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How to exclude specific hosts services monitoring in Dynatrace Environment settings?


Hi All,

We have Global or Environment level rule to monitor all windows services which are in Auto state.  I want to exclude only AZURE Hosts related services from Global rule. I have created a filter using metadata to exclude Azure Hosts.  When this rule is active all other hosts services are disappearing, and it is showing as NO DATA available for any windows service on any server. If I remove Azure related rule then all services showing up during testing. 






DynaMight Pro
DynaMight Pro

Hello, i had just found a new feature (available from 1.297 agents) in OS Services monitoring settings:


If that is turned on, it means rule will apply only when your metadata key is present. So maybe you can try to turn it off.

Alanata a.s.

it worked.


Hey @malireddyr ,


A good thumb rule to remember is that these sort of rules can usually be defined at 3 hierarchy levels:

  • Environment
  • Host Group
  • Host


Smaller scope rules extend and, in case of conflict, override bigger scope rules. So Host level rule will extend and take priority over Host Group, and Host Group over environment.

You seem to be defining an exclusion rule for the whole environment, given the picture you posted. Have you tried defining host group/host exclusion rules instead of using an Environment one?


If you go you a Host where you want to exclude this monitoring, you can click on the three little dots on the upper right corner:


And there you will find this menu:


If you click on Settings, you'll go to this host's settings (obviously :P), and alternatively you can click on Host Group Settings. In both these options you'll find:


Where you can add exclusion rules that will only affect this Host / Host Group.


  • You can keep your global windows monitoring rule.
  • And you add an exclusion rule to override that rule at Host / Host Group level that will make it so that monitoring won't occur on the hosts you don't want it to.




To make an error is human. To spread the error across all servers in an automated way is DevOps.

for OS services dynatrace confirmed even if we set host group level it will still apply Environmental rules.  I could see issue got fixed >1.297 key must exist option by using metadata as filters.  Thanks for your time Pedro

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