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How to open unique problem with a satured shared filesystem in Dynatrace?


I have several hosts that shared a nfs file system, and this one is full.
I had as many opened problems as there as servers as tickets in service now.
How to have an unique alerte or a unique ticket ?


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

Hey @Olivier C. I don't think there is a solution for this at this point. In previous experience I have seen the name that that a NTFS drive was either approaching full or was completely filled up which triggered a ton of alerts. We just took the huge amount of alerts and said that it was a very important issue lol.

I'm not sure if anyone else has a solution to this. but it would be a great idea to put in a RFE for this!



as of today some of us has expressed this need.

In the following RFE @Marco T. had the same problem and suggested that multiple problems could be aggregated in such case:

In this other RFE I ask if it's possible to add a metadata out of the box for shared volumes/disks

(implicitly this could be a step towards your alering needs)

have a nice evening!

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