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How to set email notifications for specific requests


Hi everyone. 


I need to setup a monitoring to detect when a specific request withing a service exceeds 2 seconds in response time. The requirement is to inmediately send an email whenever this request surpasses this threesold. 

Since this is a specific request withing a service, I'm unsure if there's a way to monitor only these transaction without additional instrumentation. 

Aditionally, is there a way for the email to include the exact dynatrace link to directly access the analysis of the affected transaction?  


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


You can:

  • Identify request in Dynatrace and mark it as key request.
  • Set a custom threhold only for that request.
  • Create an alerting profile matching for matching that service / request.
  • Create a problem email notification base on that alerting profile.

Email will contains a link to problem card where you can drill down using differents views.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

Thank you. How can I set a custom threhold only for that request?


After you mark it as key request, you can set thresholds for a specific web request.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

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