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How to setup an alert for "NULL" output

Frequent Guest

Hi Team,

We have enabled DB query Plugin in Dynatrace. upon running our query in the custom extension, we are getting few outputs with Startime as "23:38:00" and Endtime as "NULL".

Now we have to create alert for the end time where it is showing "NULL" . But in Dynatrace, the alert only works for numeric value.

Can anyone please let us know how to set alert for the value "NULL" in Dynatrace?


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

if the value is NULL then there isn't a value.... have you tried to alert on the missing data instead? Give that a shot and see if it helps. 


Community Team
Community Team

Hi @ksundarappa 
Have you managed to solve the problem? It would be great if you shared the solution with the Community users 💡

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