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Mute 302 response code from failure detection


Hi ,

Actually my client is having very specific requirement, they don't want any alert for response codes related to redirection for ex: 302 , How can I mute this response so that It won't be considered as failed. Or they will not be receiving alert for this response code.



Hi @suryansh21 ,

You can create Failure Detection Rules


First creating a Failure detection parameter:



And then associating the rule with the Failure detection parameter previously created:


Hope it helps.



Thanks Elena for answering, so by doing this will it mute the response code 302 from failure detection ????? 


Yes, look at this paragraph in  Failure Detection Rules documentation:

"When Dynatrace detects a service error, it doesn't necessarily mean that you want to label a request as failed. If the default service-error detection settings don't meet your needs, you can configure failure detection settings as explained in this page."

Hope it helps.



ok got it Elena , so the steps that you suggested in the snaps will mute the 302 response code?

yes, it should.

Thank you so much

Response code 302 is not considered a failure by default anyway, so there should be no need to separately mute them. If your 302 responses are regarded as failed, maybe you have some uncaught exceptions there which you should ignore in the monitoring instead?

In my opinion the suggested "exclude 302" rule actually does the opposite of muting them, you are saying all 302 responses should be regarded as failed. So the default situation is that 302 is not a failure, but your rule changes that - like it says in the screenshot clearly, "HTTP response codes which indicate an error on the server side" and "HTTP response codes which indicate client side errors".

Thank you so much, I got the idea

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