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configure reminders for alerts on DT SaaS




We would like to get a reminder notification when the problem is active for X minutes. Could you please let me know is there a way to configure this?

I tried to configure 2 alert profiles, one with immediate effect and 2nd one with a delay of 5 minutes. But I received both notifications at the same time.





yes, that is to be expected - So Dynatrace will detect High CPU and alert you of the issue, but that issue may have been detected 5 mins ago and only just alerted you to it - So it sent it immediately and again for that 5 min qualifier - I'd suggest pushing it out a few more mins, say 8-10. So Alert Profile 1 would be set to Immediately, Profile 2 set to 10 min. that way when the issue has been active for 5 mins and gets alerted it gets shot right out under the immediate. Then 5 mins later since the alert, 10 mins will be elapsed that the issue has been open and will send out that other alert. You can even change the integration where any 10Min alert includes "REMINDER" in the subject line

Screen shot:

Then just link it to your 10 min alert profile.

Thank you for your reply. I have tried this option, but it does not work the way we expect it to. I have received both email notifications (Immediate and reminder) at the same time.

I wanted to know if anyone has been using this option successfully in their environment.

we have been using this option successfully for years. Our setup is that we immediately alert the email staff with there is an email issue, if nothing has been resolved in 10 mins we alert management of the outstanding issue

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