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Can I create a Third Party Notification for a Custom Alert ?


I want to be able to send a problem notification via PagerDuty but ONLY for one specific Custom alert.
When I create a 3rd party notification integration I have to select an Alerting Profile.
However Alerting Profiles only allow you to filter by tag, problem time period or level (availability/error/slowdown/resource/custom).
If I choose Custom then surely it will alert for ALL custom alerts and not just the ONE custom alert I want it to fire for.
I can't use tags as they only apply to entities and not alerts.
Is it possible to do this ? i.e. to create a 3rd party notification for a specific custom alert ?




Hi Mark,

Do you have multiple custom alerts configured for metrics on the same entity (service, host, process) you want the notification for? If you want to alert on a specific custom alert and that is the only custom alert on the entity with the tag then you should not have any issues. If on the other hand you have multiple custom alerts on the same entity and you want to alert on only one of these custom alerts, i do not think there is a way to do this in Dynatrace.



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