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Dynatrace SaaS IP for triggering workflow actions


I want to trigger an ansible job template in the workflow. My ansible is hosted in AWS EC2 instance, I need the IPs from which connection will be made to be added to the Security Groups. How to find what IPs need to be added? 

FYI - I tried getting the IP from Deploy Activegate and got 3 IP address, but that didnt work. I'm getting connection timed-out in the workflow


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hi @nprashiyer 

AG and OA communicate with SaaS via these IP addresses. I guess you can expect communication from these IP addresses if Saas direclty call your Ansible instance. 


I hope it helps.

Best regards,


Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional

Sorry, but this is not true for Workflows and Functions.

Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

Currently, the outgoing IP address is not fixed, and depends on the data-center your environment is hosted in (and even then, the list of IP addresses can be quite long).

If you want a stable IP address for outgoing traffic, at least right now, you need to setup and use Edge Connect.

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