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Metric events Alerting


I need assistance with the following tasks:

I have completed three metrics, two of which are related to SLO (Service Level Objective) and one is about the Failure rate (HTTP 5xx errors). Additionally, a function called func:slo.errorBudgetBurnRate


How can I send an email to me about this?
I want to be notified.


Dynatrace Enthusiast
Dynatrace Enthusiast

You need an Alerting Profile (To filter down on management zone level or Metric event title) + Problem Notification to send yourself an email when a problem happens.


If you have the new platform, you can also make use of Workflows to filter down specifically on the metric you are interested in and send notifications to Teams, slack or Jira based on the DQL filter you have.


Thank you for the quick reply - how do I proceed from here?

I just need to send the show to another department


My intention was that I created 3 cellos here that I want to send to my email




if you have created metric events for each of your metrics, you should probably create common prefix in each event's title. Then you can modify title filter in custom section of Alert profile to include mentioned common prefix. Or if no common prefix can be used then just add 3 separate title filters to detect 3 separate metric events.

Alanata a.s.






Step number 1 I create the slo
Step number 2 I enter the notification profile

What should I look for there?
That's the name of my slo

Where should I put it??

Step number 3 I link to the account in the area of ​​problems as in the picture right?


Can you explain to me where I am wrong?

Step number 3 | Create metric event of the "func:slo.errorBudgetBurnRate" metric with a specific title & thresholds etc

Step number 4 | Create title filter in the alerting profile 

Step number 5 | Link said alerting profile with a problem notification with your email 

So where is title of metric event. 



[TuanLA123 - Dynatrace Associate Certificate, Dynatrace Professional Certificate]

as @MohamedHigazy said, you probably missed Metric Event part. You have to create metric event for each metric you are interested in (SLO burn rate, you name it, ...) where you can specify metric conditions, when event will be fired. Then you can follow with alerting profile and integration.

Alanata a.s.

I understand, is it possible to require a short? How to do it in steps? for one?

Maybe a short screenshot?



Alanata a.s.


Thank you for your assistance. After a few attempts, it appears to be functioning properly. I have a pressing inquiry: how can I compose a message that is as visually appealing as the example in the photo?


I would like to bring attention to the fact that I was only able to receive the intended notification because of the link provided.

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