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Workflow to send a Dashboard URL by email


HI Team,
I have created workflow  in DT which create Dashboard using JS code. I want to have vey next step in workflow to share Dashboard URL to Dev team by sending Email(preferred formal way to share URL) . Is it possible to do in Workflow task??? 

Please help me on this.


Heramb Sawant



Hi Team,
Could you please help me on this??

Heramb Sawant

Dynatrace Participant
Dynatrace Participant

Hi Heramb, 

Yes, we will launch an E-Mail O365 for Workflow action presumably within the next two months, followed by a generic E-Mail Action. I am additionally curious in your use case to create a dashboard with workflows - can you elaborate on this? 


Thanks @Alexander_Mohr. On top of a slack message, one of our clients in Israel is also interested in being able to trigger an email via a workflow. Looking forward 🙂 

Hi Alexander,
We have below 2 use case where we are looking for sending e-mail notification.

1. We would like to create workflow that will perform a taske.g. SRG validation. Post this validation I want to send an email to a specific set of people and notify them about SRG results. 
2. We have workflow( in future it will be part of jenkins pipeline)  which does some automation task like ingesting events into grail Bizz event and  followed by creating or updating (using document service) existing dashboard tiles with data  fetch from grail. Next step will be sharing this dashboard URL to appropriate audience through email with some custom message. 

Heramb sawant

Dynatrace Participant
Dynatrace Participant

Hi Jose, Hi Heramb, 
Thanks for describing your use cases and your interest in EMail Workflow-Action. We're about to launch the first Microsoft 365 workflow action in the next two months, enabling you to send Emails with your own Microsoft 365 services. Shortly after that, at the beginning of next year, we'll launch a second email action, leveraging internal Dynatrace mail services. Would the first version already support your use case? I'll keep you updated on the launch dates, 


Has this capability been released yet, if not when should users be expecting it? 

Thank you, 

Toni B

Dynatrace Participant
Dynatrace Participant

Hi @tonicbenn2023, the latest update I got is that this feature is now released with Microsoft 365.

@Alexander_Mohr might be able to point you in the right direction.

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