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Workflow trigger if the problem persists for at least 5 minutes


Hello community, I have a question regarding workflows, in summary I am running a workflow with a trigger for "Davis problem trigger", the flow analyzes the problem and categorizes it into three priorities creating a tk in servicenow for each case with its respective priority .
In this case, my question is how to emulate a process similar to the alert profile that Dynatrace has, that is, currently we have this alert that triggers a notification only if the problem persists for at least 5 minutes, but in the case of the workflow it performs this detection at the moment in which the event is generated.
I am trying entering delay's but I am worried about the case in which while the flow is executing and waiting for about 5 minutes, what would happen with the problems that are triggered in this period since they would not be detected and therefore we would not be giving adequate treatment.
On the other hand, if I generate alerts for all cases, I would be falling into a case of over-alerting.


Dynatrace Helper
Dynatrace Helper


You could add filters in the problem query to filter by how long the problem has been open. In my testing, I used the filters: 

matchesValue(event.status,"ACTIVE") and (timestamp-event.start)>5m

Which gets active problems that have been open longer than 5 minutes.


Hope this helps



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