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Can we use Inter-Region VPC Peering to connect to Dynatrace?


Hi all,

Our customer want to use AWS PrivateLink to connect their EC2 host on the region "ap-northeast-1" (Asia Pacific Tokyo) to Dynatrace.

I referred the following documentation and found Dynatrace does not current support the region "ap-northeast-1"

However, I heard that AWS PrivateLink start to support Inter-Region VPC Peering on Oct 10, 2018.

So, can we use Inter-Region VPC Peering to connect to Dynatrace?

Best Regards,
Natsumi Tanaka


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

You are asking about connecting Agents or connecting to Dynatrace console?


Regards, Sebastian

Thank you for your response!
Actually, our customer would like to connect Dynatrace Managed to Mission Control.
But I would like to know both case "OneAgent to Dynatrace SaaS" and "Dynatrace Managed to Mission Control".

in general about One Agent I rather suggest using ActiveGate for collecting traffic in region where you have your application. Than question is how to connect ActiveGate to DT SaaS using VPC.

According to this doc you can configure proxy based on VPC so in such case it should work.

In such case the same should be with mission control. But here you have to have support for sticky session and web sockets. I think you should provide dynatrace documentation for ActiveGate proxy and mission control proxy and ask AWS team. They will help you to find best option.


Regards, Sebastian

Thank you for your suggestion.
As you said, it might be a question for AWS...

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