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Ingesting log from S3 for an ALB


when ingesting logs from S3 for an ALB. will the logs automatically link to the AWS resource where you can view from logs menu from aws classic > resource screen?

We are using Firehose for most of our logs and the linking to the aws resource is working but this is for ALB logs which are not yet supported (I believe) through the Firehouse integration, so we are using the S3 log forwarder to get the ALB logs into DT. We can see the logs in the logs sections but they are not getting tied to the actual AWS ALB object. only the metrics are.


I posted this question on a dynatrace video and was asked to post here as well to get more information

"you can already do the linking through some configuration. I think the best would be if you post this question on the dynatrace community - we can then follow up with all the details" @grabnerandi 


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