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Tagging services running on hosts with specific tag

Frequent Guest

I'm trying to separate data from different AWS accounts with Management Zones, so the best solution I found was to automatically tag all the hosts, processes and services that are in, let's say Account A. I already tagged all the Hosts and underlying processes with the tag Environment = stg. However I'm struggling when trying to tag all the Services that run on those EC2 instances. I've been exploring the API querying a single Service I got something as the following:


    "entityId": "SERVICE-ABCD123",
    "type": "SERVICE",
    "displayName": "MyService",
    "firstSeenTms": 1702652961186,
    "lastSeenTms": 1706119883592,
    "properties": {
      "serviceType": "WEB_SERVICE",
    "tags": [],
    "managementZones": [],
    "icon": {
      "primaryIconType": "web-sphere"
    "fromRelationships": {
      "calls": [
          "id": "SERVICE-DCBA321",
          "type": "SERVICE"
      "runsOnHost": [
          "id": "HOST-XYZ123",
          "type": "HOST"


 And regarding the Host is something like this:


    "entityId": "HOST-XYZ123",
    "type": "HOST",
    "displayName": "",
    "firstSeenTms": 1702564195134,
    "lastSeenTms": 1706119645611,
    "properties": {
      "bitness": "64",
      "installerTrackedDownload": false,
      "autoInjection": "ENABLED",
      "additionalSystemInfo": [
          "value": "Amazon EC2",
          "key": "system.vendor"
      "monitoringMode": "FULL_STACK",
      "osArchitecture": "X86",
      "osVersion": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.9 (Ootpa) (kernel 4.18.0-513.9.1.el8_9.x86_64)",
      "installerPotentialProblem": false,
      "cloudType": "EC2",
      "macAddresses": [
      "osType": "LINUX",
      "state": "RUNNING",
      "installerSupportAlert": false
    "tags": [
        "context": "CONTEXTLESS",
        "key": "Environment",
        "value": "stg",
        "stringRepresentation": "Environment:stg"
    "managementZones": [],


(I ommited non-relevant info with (...))

Following my logic it should be something like 




Since "tags" is at the same level as type in the json. I'm not completely sure about the "=" sign to show which values of that tag I'm interested in. However, the Entity Selector doesn't seem to understand what I'm trying to query since it doesn't understand the ".tags" part.
I've tried with 




but no success at all. Could someone guide me on how to achieve this?






Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

The fromRelationship property you are looking for should be "runsOnHost"

For your example, something like this should work:



Eric Yu | LATAM ACE Consultant

@Eric_Yu Where i can see these properties as this will help us lot if  we can get details like this?

Dynatrace Professional Certified

Make a call to the Entity types endpoint
and set type parameter to whatever you need: SERVICE, HOST, etc.

Best regards

Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

Hi, glad you found it useful.

As Paulo mentioned, you can get a list of properties of any entity type by calling the GET entity type API:


You can get also get a full list of entities in your environment if you're curious:

Eric Yu | LATAM ACE Consultant

@Eric_Yu @paulo_calaxa Thanks for for your help, both solution works perfectly. 

Dynatrace Professional Certified

Thank you so much for this tips! I have been looking for a solution for almost two weeks

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