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Take the 2022 Rewind Challenge! 🥇‌

Community Team
Community Team

It's time to present you this year's last Community Challenge! 🎆


The "2022 Rewinder" BadgeThe "2022 Rewinder" Badge

2022 is slowly reaching its end, making it a good time to sum up the previous 12 months. Globally, this year was a big mess, that's for sure, however, our personal lives didn't lack smaller or larger accomplishments here and there.

We'd love to ask you to share some of your achievements, things that made you proud or simply excited! Sky is the limit - pick anything that pops out in your mind 🎉

Every participant gets a unique "2022 Rewinder" badge and +100 bonus points. 


Let's start with my little-big success: I've finally driven a left-hand car during my holidays in Cyprus. It wasn't as stressful as I've expected, even though the traffic was super busy! Now I feel ready to explore with rental cars New Zealand, South Africa, Japan... 😎

"Keep the left lane, repeat""Keep the left lane, repeat"


DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

My two accomplishments for year (one Dynatrace related and one not)

1.) Setup Monaco to backup Dynatrace for two companies

2.) Started playing tennis again as I hadn't played since high school (many years ago)

Dynatrace Certified Professional

Dynatrace Guru
Dynatrace Guru

I like the one Dynatrace related and one not accomplishment of Kenny, I'll stick with that.

1) Managed to bring the whole extension services team together for the first time, with people from all the way from North America to Europe to Australia.
2) Started eating healthier lunches (fruit and yoghurt!)


thanks, eating healthier this year too.  I should add to mine 🙂

Dynatrace Certified Professional

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Was really excited about building my first (and then 2nd, 3rd, ..) 3D Printer from scratch. Had built a few from kits before but sourcing all the parts and building it from scratch was really great experience and lot's of fun.

Dynatrace Certified Master - Dynatrace Partner -

Nice! So what was the first thing you printed on your very own device, Patrick? 🙂

Keep calm and build Community!

The very first has been a while 😄 

But I think for most of the printers the first print was a classic test print: Benchy



Also maybe not quite safe for work, but great for certain days is the F***topus 😉 :



Dynatrace Certified Master - Dynatrace Partner -

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Oh my, I understand you @Michal_Gebacki ! I had the same sensation some years ago after driving 500 miles in the UK for the first time 😁

Lots of good things this year for me to remember. I do love gardening a lot, and I would say I became a banana producer this year! 113 (not that big) bananas from the Madeira subspecie. They are more sweeter and tastier than the Cavendish subspecie that you might know, but are smaller.


Antonio Sousa

Wow, a lovely garden indeed :awww: Had to do a quick research about Madeiras, is it true that you can't get those anywhere except Portugal? 

The only constant is change. Finding ways for great things to happen!

Not a specialist in International Law, or European law, but seems that in the past some have defined what a "normal" banana is. And bananas from Madeira are not normal, so they can't be sold elsewhere than in Portugal. This might have evolved, not even checked for this post, but I have heard some strange things about bananas in the past. BTW, there is a good reason for the expression "banana republic"...

I also knew nothing about banana plants before a neighbors mother (from Madeira) brought 3 little banana babies for me. They have replicated into something very nice.

BTW2: I was really expecting that some keen eye would have noticed the bananas I posted in the following comment 🤣

Antonio Sousa

I'm sure the world is missing out on those "imperfect" bananas 😍 sounds like the perfect addition to the garden to me!

The only constant is change. Finding ways for great things to happen!

Yummy, I want some 🙂  We eat many bananas in this household

Dynatrace Certified Professional

I will follow your steps!! Me and my sons eat an average of 15 bananas/day, can you imagine how helpful would be having a bananeira at home? 🙊

Site Reliability Engineer @ Kyndryl


Some are related to Dynatrace and some are not. Both are exciting events.

1) Selected as “the Community Member of the Month for September 2022”. I received a backpack as a prize, which I use for commuting.



2) Looking back on 2022, it's a new topic, but Japan's historic victory🙌 over Germany and Spain at the FIFA World Cup 2022.

T.Shirai IIM Corp. Osaka Japan

Observing people's reactions worldwide, I feel that this historic victory of your national football team is important not only for Japanese people! 😄

Huge kudos to the Japanese team!
On the other hand, Poland made it out of the group by losing the last match 0:2! That's an achievement! 😄

Keep calm and build Community!

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Heyyyy Everyone


My big achievment this year is to be a part of Dynamight :dynaspin:.


The second is, I joined the biggest customer in the MiddleEast for some achievement and the ENV is too huge.


Hope 2023 reserve best things.

Sharing Knowledge

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

2022 was a great year to me, despite the COVID (and its side effects in general).

- Got my Dynatrace ACE certification and was invited to be part of 1, 2, 3 videos.

- Got my Kyndryl SRE Level 2 certificaiton and am even more engaged in the SRE community there.

- Decided to take a great step in my personal life x work balance, working at home, in my home town, where I left 16 years ago to seek my career. I am now close to my old friends and family.


Site Reliability Engineer @ Kyndryl

Wow, that's a truly inspiring story! Always great to see how people consequently try to seek proper work and life balance 😊

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hi Folks,

This year I changed a side from client to provider (dark side 😉) to share my DT experince with other clients. I started to follow my dream and I could focus only on DT in 2022.

I became a DynaMight. 😍

With the Community Team we launched the Hungarian user group which is growing. 

I organaized the first Dynatrace PUB for our client's SREs.


Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional

Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Wow, that is an awesome challenge! Let's see what comes to my mind ....

3 vacations with my family!

  • Skiing in February
  • Summer vacation in Italy
  • And a remarkable trip to Paris in October

Mission accomplished: We did catch up on vacations after the pandemic!
Same is true for socializing events with my one-of-a-kind Dynatrace colleagues:

  • Summer Party
  • Christmas Party


Director of Product Management @ Dynatrace
That means I'm better at delegation than doing actual work!

Got some outdoor ice time with the grandkids. Tim Hortons coffee cups for goal posts! Was a late season thing last winter, but looking forward to many more of these skates this upcoming season!


DynaMight Pro
DynaMight Pro

Greetings, Community! 😄


Despite being a year of "coming back to normal", its intensity was a major crescendo with lots of fun stuff going on!

Professionally, I got 3 major achievements:

  • I became a Dynatrace :dynatrace: Certified Professional
  • I was April's Community Member of the Month 🗓
  • I became a DynaMight :dynamight:

What a year! Sure hope 2023 will be even better, not necessarily with so many different personal achievements, but rather with lots of new great stuff that Dynatrace is building for us! :dynaspin: 


Outside work, and with pandemic-preventing measures fading out, my year finally returned to its usual, socially-intense, culturally-diverse, filled with lots of great events agenda! 😄

Being a volunteer at a cultural non-profit, the biggest feeling of accomplishment comes with finishing up an event (sometimes, for several thousand people) and realising that attendees enjoyed their time, and had fun with something you closely help to create!!

This frame was of our "Palmela White Party", from August: a "few" thousand people, 6 hours of party, right there in our home town! Talk about seeing your Community happy 😍



Also, with Covid gone, people could not only be together, celebrate together... but also play music together!

Again, the feeling of being part of something bigger than yourself is truly great!

In the picture below, a group of musicians from our Phillarmonic Society (myself included, of course!) played as a Marching Band in our annual tradition, after two years of Covid-induced cancellation…

The first grapes of the year were stomped (yes, with those top guys’ feet 🙂 ) while we (and other groups) played!



Again: 2022, you've been great and all, but... let's get ready for 2023! 😄 🎉

Best regards, Pedro Deodato

Pedro, your list of accomplishments is so stunning I don't even know what to start with! Truly a fantastic and inspiring year, wish such 12 months for everyone in the future 😄

Kudos to you for being a member your community can (and definitely is!) proud of 💪💛 your 2022 sounds very busy but also joyful! And isn't it just the best combination!

The only constant is change. Finding ways for great things to happen!

Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

I am wrapping up 2022 by being engaged!



Congrats! :tada:

Keep calm and build Community!

Thank you! 🙂

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Certainly my last big fish from seaside 🔥 #nokill #FishRelease


Observability consultant - Dynatrace Associate/Pro/Services certified

Enormous! 🐟 Seems like you'll need to look for some whale to catch in 2023 to break this record! 😎

😎 How much did it weight?

Antonio Sousa

Approximately 22LB and 1.2 metres not enormous but tarpons are strong, thrash, jump and fight extremely hard.

Observability consultant - Dynatrace Associate/Pro/Services certified


Dynatrace Certified Professional

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

What a year 2022 was!

At last we were back hosting face to face meetings, round tables and showing in conventions. The highlight for us as dynatrace RFO in Israel was hosting Dynatrace day Israel with over then 250 attendees, together with Mediro guys our co RFO from South Africa and our dynatrace guardian.  Dynatrace Day Israel it was a blast!

From the recreation side of life as Covid-19 start to fadeaway my spouse and I  took for our self 6 week of absence and went to Vietnam and Cambodia to clear our minds and get ready for new challenges to come. After riding local motorcycles in different parts of those countries I decided that is the right time in life to go back to my old love and back at home I bought a motorcycle for my self to feel again the engine roaring and the road flying 15cm under my feet at 120 km/h.

Here are a few souvenirs from this last vacation 

cambodia 1.jpgcambodia 2.jpg

Vietnam 1.jpgVietnam 3.jpg

See you all around here next year and please stay safe 

All the best


dynatrace certificated professional - dynatrace master partner - Matrix Soft Ware Division - Israel

Amazing pictures, amazing landscapes, amazing destination for "purification" holidays! :clap:

Dynatrace Guide
Dynatrace Guide

2022 was full of new experiences. I marked my 1st year with Dynatrace and also finished my 1st account as ACE consultant. With the end of this year, I'm transitioning to D1. 

With family added  a new  member cat, Cherry. Had some awesome vacation in UP, South Carolina & Hawaii. 


Is it Cherry on your profile pic too? 😍 what a sweet thing!

The only constant is change. Finding ways for great things to happen!

Ana Yes, she is on my profile too! :shocked_cat:

Gorgeous! My boy Axel is sending greetings, one monochrome to another 😉

 Image from iOS (1).jpg

The only constant is change. Finding ways for great things to happen!

So sweet to meet you Axel!😻

Community Team
Community Team

With the last day of 2022 I'm celebrating my first half a year of being a Dynatracer :dynaspin: and a proud member of the Dynatrace Community team  💪 

On the personal side of things, lots of stuff to be excited about as well: two concerts, fours trips (big and small), lots of creativity and opportunities to learn more about myself and the world around me.


Still waiting for the highlight of the year, though, the first reunion with my family since the war broke 💔

The only constant is change. Finding ways for great things to happen!

We're very happy that you joined the team, @Ana_Kuzmenchuk🤗

So sorry to read about you not being able to see your family due to the war - praying that it will end soon so that you can be reunited with your loved ones and that they will be safe! 🌻

Thank you @andre_vdveen! Happy to be welcomed by such an awesome community 😉

And thank you for your prayers! 😊 Doing everything we can to bring this day closer.

The only constant is change. Finding ways for great things to happen!

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


 Here in Argentina football ‌‌ is in our DNA. Enjoying the World Cup ‌💓‌‌💓‌‌💓‌ ‌🇦🇷‌ with them is the best of this year even better than winning the cup. They are my might.

The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing.

Lovely family! 😃 I heard in news that celebration of the World Cup victory in Argentina can't stop until now! 

True, people here is happy with the achievement!!!

The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing.

I've seen videos from streets of Buenos Aires crowded that much that footballers need to get out of the city centre through helicopter 😆 My cousin is now on the trip through South America, she says the spirit of people in this part of the world is priceless and encourages to come back - despite the distance, in the age of 25 she visited Argentine twice! 😎

Well, in this article someone writes the true character of our way of being, we have many defects, but much of what is written here by a foreigner is a good profile of how we are seen from the outside. I prefer to choose the good over the bad.


The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing.

@DanielS, BTW, me & my friends, supporters of Benfica, also celebrated Argentina's win, as two of our players won it: Otamendi & Enzo Fernandez

Antonio Sousa

Congrats to Messi and the team on winning this years the best match! 🏆🇦🇷
-a Bangladeshi fan here! 🇧🇩

Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

My accomplishment & I'm simply excited for year 2022

1. Successfully implemented Dynatrace for major clients 🏦 

2. Blessed with baby Boy 👶🏼

3. Did certification is ScrumMaster

4. 33,522 steps at mount side on signal day to see temple🛕with beautiful view (wishlist)






5. Unplanned trip to hidden place during monsoon


Cheers R !!!

Have a nice day!

Nothing more needed to happiness with such two stunning accomplishments! 😄

Community Team
Community Team

2022 was full of various adventures, and I really, really liked it - crossing my fingers that the next one will be similar 😊

As for accomplishments:

  • visited Vienna, London, Madrid, Toledo, Sevilla, Szczecin, Warsaw
  • saw in person incredible art from van Gogh, Monet, Bosch, Goya, Chagall, Klimt, and many, many others
  • finally, after the pandemic, I went back to see movies, theatres, concerts, conferences, etc.
  • finished Dynatrace Associate vILT and passed my exam :dancing_blob:
  • actually finishing a lot of Udemy courses (yeah, I'm shocked too that this is possible 😄 )
  • completed with the Team many incredible projects, like welcoming a new team member and the redesign (and a couple of ones that are still a secret 😉 )
  • learned to cook pretty good risotto  and an incredible cauliflower soup
If you have any questions about the Community, you can contact me at

High five for both our years being the moment we learned how to make a decent risotto 🤚

The only constant is change. Finding ways for great things to happen!


Thanks for reminding me to my Ireland trip a few years ago, I had only troubles with shifting gears with the 'wrong' hand 😅

This year was great, my daughter was born this summer 😍.

Far behind is then the 2nd great thing, I finally updated my workshop and joined the massive wood guild 🌲

Let's enjoy the last days of this year 🙂

chaos breeds genius

I hacked this anxiety by choosing in the rental car company only through vehicles with automatic transmission 😅 Great to hear about your stunning accomplishments!

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

2022 was quite a busy year for myself and my Family. Looking back on 2022 I'm so thankful for everything, our main highlights include: 

- 2022 Community Rock Star Award

- My Wife and I had our first child

- We purchased our first house 

- Had our first of everything with our Daughter (Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years)

- Started a new job just before the New Year








Congrats on job and good luck!  Cute baby

Dynatrace Certified Professional

So adorable, so lovely, I can't find wiser words! :awww:

What a sweet and smiley achievement you've got there! 🦌❤️

The only constant is change. Finding ways for great things to happen!

Congrats @ChadTurner , welcome to the Dyna Fathers group!!!!

The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing.


in the 2022

i was able finally to buy a PC with all requirements i want, the top of each component until that moment. with my others PCs i was just able to buy only low profile pcs.  

probably was the year where i made more tools in python that draw images, trees, fields, calendars, beautifull fractal trees, 

this year was the year were my son was more independent a more trustworthy person and the year were he want to expend more time playing with his friends than me its something that i know that happens but its my partner in games. 


fuelled by coffee and curiosity.

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

For me professionally it was a very good, but challenging year. I passed two Dynatrace certifications - Dynatrace Master and Services Delivery. Also, I learned a lot. Again. 

Personally, finally after two years of "limited pandemic travel", it was the year when I and my family spent part of our summer vacation at the beach. And my Dynatrace backpack travelled with me 😁  Proof from Rhodes (Παραλία Πρασονησίου)  is below.


Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

2 Highlights I would like to say are, 

1. I bought Apple products for the first time, including iPhone (Optimus Prime), iPad Pro (Brownie), iWatch (Pikachu), AirPods Pro (Akamaru), MacBook Pro (Naruto) and PS5 and Galaxy S22 Ultra (Hope 2.0), not to forget. It was one of the best years of my life in purchasing gadgets. 

2. I made friends with a fantastic person and felt good. Being an introvert, it is a great deal for us when we make new friends, and they're trustworthy. 



Love more, hate less; Technology for all, together we grow.

It's so heartwarming to read your post Vishruth, respect for honesty, all the best for you! 

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

So many things happened in the community while I was enjoying a 3-week holiday at the coast, so I'm late to the party but here goes...both are personal accomplishments:

  1. Finishing IM 70.3 Mossel Bay , as my 1st ever triathlon event, and after only 2 months of swimming lessons and training 😅
  2. Completing the 94.7 Ride Joburg road cycling race in a sub-4 hour time, 2 weeks after completing the IM 70.3 event

From a Dynatrace perspective, it was pretty much a business-as-usual year for me, so no specific events or achievements to mention - perhaps 2023 will have more excitement in store for me! :dynatrace:


DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

In 2022 I was certified Dynatrace Professional and explored the extensions magic world ! Can't wait for 2023 with Grail 🙂 :dynatrace:

Observability Engineer at Phenisys - Dynatrace Professional

Dynatrace Guru
Dynatrace Guru

Nice to see a fellow extension fan! Anything specifically cool that you created?



Your question made me remember a thread that I once maintained updated:

But, since Dynatrace Hub is here, that list is of course not that important, and I have not updated it for almost a year now.... But, there are still extensions that won't make to the Hub, so...

Wouldn't it be great if had another directory of "cool" extensions, or simply examples out there integrating with Dynatrace?

Antonio Sousa

Many of the ones in that list is already on the hub actually. My team has added close to 100 of the tiles on the hub, so that is going to be our main communication channel.

Partners can also add extensions to the hub if they commit to supporting it. As for unsupported extensions I’d try to stay away from that if I were our large enterprise customers.


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