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Take the Perform Flashback Challenge! ‌‌‌⚡️

Community Team
Community Team
Welcome back, Dynatrace Community!
It's good to see again in 2025! As many of you know, the beginning of the new year means that the next edition of Dynatrace Perform is imminent. In less than month you'll be able to see what's in cards for the product for the next weeks, learn success stories of customers and partners, and meet with faces behind the Dynatrace!
But before the next edition kicks off, share with us your favorite stories and memories from the past Dynatrace Perform events! What are the greatest speeches? What inspiring people have you met? What are the greatest skeches or funny moments? Do you have some pictures? Don't hesitate to share all of that below!
Benefits of taking Community Challenges!
👉 Every participant receives a unique "Perform Fan Badge"
👉 You will also get +100 bonus points for extra activity
👉 Engage with others and have fun!
40_perform_fan 1.png

Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

I remember participating as a customer in 2018 Barcelona's Perform :dynaspin: where management zones were presented.
What an outstanding achievement! 😊

That, I believe was when AppSec was announced by Bernd! I recall several people from inside Dynatrace telling me he was mad 🤣 As someone working n Observability & Security for almost 30 years, I told them that it made perfect sense!!!

[edited] had to comb through my photos to confirm AppSec was announced in Perform Europe 2019...

Antonio Sousa

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


I remember all Grail news all together in same perform!!! :dynaspin:

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

That was a great day - just the idea of the scale of what Grail would become was kind of mind-boggling. Especially if you ran your own DT managed/on-prem in your own RDBMs...with 50TB's of storage and growing...that made DT SaaS look pretty nice! 🙂

Dynatrace AllStar | Community Champion | @m3tomlins | @performacology


My <1 year old getting inspired by Simone Biles and winning Best Supporting Viewer in 2022... Somehow she's 3.5... where did the time go, we were starting our DT journey then, and now we are live with thousands of agents and more being deployed each week, and hopefully be at 10,000 soon.


Why do App Developers have high insurance rates? (gnihsarc peek yehT)

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Been to two Performs in Europe, Barcelona, and next month it will be my fourth Perform at Vegas. There are so many things I recall, but kept three of the best!

Starting with Perform Europe, I remember it was where AppSec was launched for the very first time in May 2019. I recall that moment vividly, as I also work heavily in Security, and it made total sense for me joining the two areas under the same Observability platform!


Yes, of all the speakers, I would say that @AgataWlodarczyk from the Community Team did an excellent presentation last year:


For the funny fact, I will never forget meeting Davis in person! Most of you might recall that some years ago Davis had a face, and at Perform we discovered she was real! I believe this has never been publicly disclosed, and is a well guarded secret, but the Davis actress & model was Katie Novak:  I don't have a photo with Katie, but from the @andreas_grabner twitter feed:


But, the best part of Perform is certainly the networking. Being able to talk to all participants, many Dynatracers, even Bernd himself, to all other staff at the booths, and specially you all Community members, is certainly something one doesn't forget!

Antonio Sousa

Dynatrace Guru
Dynatrace Guru

My favorite moment was probably when session replay was announced. The audience reacted so well to the news and everyone got so excited.

As for the funniest moment… we as Dynatracers are asked to mingle as much as possible of course. In my attempts to do so I always have lunch at a table with no, or only a few, colleagues. This one time a few Perform’s ago I ended up with a table with a Japanese delegation. Due to communication problems I was sitting there quiet the whole time…



Hi Dears,


unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to participate in presence to any perform, but I can remember all my on line perform participations.

I remember the announcement of grail and others ...

a lot of things comes in my mind but 1 one day I will in a stage 😄



Sharing Knowledge


Apart of Grail announcement and Simone Biles interview mentioned by other colleagues, I remember Kubernetes observability.

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

We use traces all the time, but being able to have them in Grail was a big moment for me. Combining DQL queries with trace information gave me a lot of tools to help customers.

Traces in GrailTraces in Grail


The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing.

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

The announced power of OpenPipeline last year, making the possibilities almost infinite



Dynatrace Partner - Professional Certified - DynaMight

Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

Did not yet have the chance to visit Perform in-person and my memories are mainly from developer side. It always is a key target-point in each year where development focuses on to have something ready.

after Perform is before Perform 😅

iOS help:

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

I don't remember the course of Perform 2020 anymore, but I know that we had a good time with my team. We are going to have fun again this year.


Have a nice day!


Last year was my first Perform and it was amazing!!! I made so many awesome connections. Hoping to make more this year!

Here have this picture of Mark!




I am specifically remembering the very first broadcast of PerfBytes from PERFORM in 2015 in Orlando, FL - and it included some legendary folks from Dynatrace and the Partners at that time. I recall not accepting the invitation to dress in lederhosen. I remember Andi and I doing the largest Performance Puzzler Workshop in history (~125 people). I remember that Ruxit was still a secret project at that time. I remember being on a panel discussion and we had so many great participants on the podcast that first year - amazing performance stories, solving problems with Dynatrace and sharing all that with the greater community!

Dynatrace AllStar | Community Champion | @m3tomlins | @performacology



Dynatrace AllStar | Community Champion | @m3tomlins | @performacology



Dynatrace AllStar | Community Champion | @m3tomlins | @performacology



Dynatrace AllStar | Community Champion | @m3tomlins | @performacology



Dynatrace AllStar | Community Champion | @m3tomlins | @performacology



Dynatrace AllStar | Community Champion | @m3tomlins | @performacology

Dynatrace AllStar | Community Champion | @m3tomlins | @performacology



Dynatrace AllStar | Community Champion | @m3tomlins | @performacology

You have to bring the pink back since I'm taking mine away for Perform!!!

Community Team
Community Team

Oh 🥹,
My memories from my first Perform in 2024...

- Mainstage presentation, together with Michael Glaess 🤗 , and another opportunity to present the Community to a broader audience,
- Meeting in person most of our lovely customers, partners and DynaMights 🤗,
- and, of course, meeting in person a lot of Dynatracers from all over the world :dynatrace:.

❤️  ❤️  ❤️ 

Screenshot 2025-01-17 at 09.57.17.png

When passion meets people magic and innovation happen.

you nailed your presentation!!! I remember thinking about how your style is so cool too 😊

awww..... I can only say... 🤗 ❤️

When passion meets people magic and innovation happen.

Community Team
Community Team

In 2020, together with @kurt_aigner, we were responsible for preparing and staffing the Expo demo towers :star_struck: This was the first Perform where the Community team rep was finally present! 😍

I still have our Expo towers plan from 2020 😃


Keep calm and build Community!

Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

It's in my wish list to attend Perform and see it live in action 😀


DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

It's also on my wishlist to go to Perform Live. Nevertheless, this year we rented a holiday home with the team to enjoy the celebrations of Perform from our home country on a big screen.

Favorite memory is difficult, I pretty much love everything regarding the Dynatrace Community and I must say I really liked the Pole Dance act as I am a huge aerial sports fan and love the hobby so it was awesome to see it in Vegas vibes represented on stage. 

A Dynatrace Professional nerd working for Conclusion Xforce

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

My best moment from my first PERFORM:

Community Rock Star 2024Community Rock Star 2024

Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional

DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

Many memories virtual and live.

1.) Full Stack Baby

2.) Being there live 3 times, once in las vegas, i think twice in Orlando.  

3.) Andi Grabner presentations are always comical

4.) Hot Days are my favorite as you learn so much

5.) Learning what is on the horizon for the Dynatrace product

6.) Highlight - 2024 Customer rockstar award


Hoping to go in 2026

Dynatrace Certified Professional
Decided to open the Dynatrace conference in a unique way. Only a handful of the 3k in attendance knew what I was up to.

DynaMight Pro
DynaMight Pro

Actually finished packing for this year's Perform just a couple of minutes ago 😅 Hope to see as many of you as possible in the next few days! 🙂

My first two Performs were remote, but they let me know from the start that I would feel at home as soon I attended one in person!

It was actually back then that I found the perfect wrist band for my watch, which led to a dear picture of mine: I call it "Time to Perform" 🤣

Time to PerformTime to Perform

This was in 2022.

The year after that, I got to go to Vegas with @AntonioSousa , and all my expectations were met: a truly wonderful event, packed with our Community's greaster asset... PEOPLE! 😄

And great people, to be honest!
I never had a single second of boring conversation on any of the Performs I attend: people are genuinely there for the same interests you are, we share so much!

I always have so much fun!

And, you know, time does fly when you're having fun... but, eventually, you'll find the right opportunity to snatch a great photo with Bernd!!! 👀 📸 😁 

Even better if you do it with friends:


Those are actually my greatest memories from Perform.

All events have loads of great presentations, crazy (in a good way) announcements, agendas packed with activities... but the moments you share among friends, with fellow Community members... those are the ones that'll last forever 😉

See you all in a bit ❤️

Best regards, Pedro Deodato


My true favorite is from this year, but if I look back on the previous two Performs I'd have to say it was Perform 2023 when I got to see for the first time just how famous @m3tomlins is around all these observability nerds! 

Observability Engineer at FreedomPay

infamous - really, let's be honest



Dynatrace AllStar | Community Champion | @m3tomlins | @performacology

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