Dynatrace is very excited to recognize Ulf T. for his
contributions to the Dynatrace Community for May, 2016.
If you have spent any time in the DC RUM or
Dynatrace Synthetic forums, you have probably seen his name there more than
once. Ulf is familiar with a range of
Dynatrace products but his community contributions can be seen mainly in the various
DC RUM and Dynatrace Synthetic forums. During
the month of May alone Ulf has made over 100 contributions to the forums. He provided 30 answers, 16 comments and voted
62 times on product ideas! He even found
some time to ask a few questions of the community.
When asked why he spends time in the Dynatrace Community,
Ulf explained his philosophy:
world becomes a better place if we share.
Also, if you keep things to yourself, you become a bottleneck. I also
like to try to understand other people’s challenges and see if there is some
light I can shed on their challenge and thereby learn something myself. Every
day you learn something new is a good day."
In recognition of Ulf’s contributions to the Dynatrace
community we are sending him a Dynatrace cap and some other items. Please join us in thanking Ulf for his help
in making the Dynatrace community a great place to learn about Dynatrace
technology, get answers to pressing issues and make the world a better place! Thanks Ulf!