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MOM employee - Vishruth Harithsa - ARTICLE banner.png


Hello Dynatrace Community!

It’s time for another Employee Member of the Month award. The winner for December - @theharithsa - is a great example of how by helping others we can grow in the best way. His passion in life is to be able to help people. Especially learners who want to learn technology and help them to decrypt the secrets of life which makes them create the life that they want.

Here is an interview with Vishruth Harithsa – let's all know him a little bit better.


Can you tell us a little bit about your professional life? What’s your role at Dynatrace and what do you do?

I am an Architect in Dynatrace working from India. I help our team in innovation tasks and encourage customers to see the best of Dynatrace. Also, I support keeping the quality of the projects that we do intact in our team and training newly joined members about technology and APM.


What is your story with Dynatrace? Why did you start using the platform and for what project?

Dynatrace is a crucial part of my life. I got into Dynatrace when I lost my co-founded company. When I joined here, I had no idea how enterprises work. With the help of Ibrahim (Regional Services Manager, India) I quickly figured out how important for the world to make software better. From there, it is all about innovation that I tried to bring into our team. My first project here was IndusInd Bank which beat everything out of me.

Have you ever had any interesting use case for the Dynatrace platform that you found out to be particularly intriguing? Could you tell us about it?

When I joined Dynatrace there were a lot of things I didn’t know about it. Even still Dynatrace is like an ocean for me and currently, I am swimming in it comfortably. One use case I always had in mind was extending the capabilities of Dynatrace APIs where I wanted to build the whole new Dynatrace UI with the help of APIs. Other than APIs, extensions 2.0 is what intrigued me the most. Overall, the way Dynatrace is going forward is exceptional and even with ever-growing improvements in it, it always keeps me interested.

What brought you to our community? What is your best memory about it?

Dynatrace community is a good place to enquire about doubts that anybody has about Dynatrace. The recent change in the UI is the one that I liked the most. Apart from user experience, the best memory in the community for me is when I started to suggest ideas (product ideas) after discussing them with the customer. It was fun for me to submit ideas and see them implemented in Dynatrace.
MOM employee - Vishruth Harithsa - ARTICLE photo quote.png

And how about your life outside IT – what is your biggest passion?

My life is literally 40% of IT and filled with Dynatrace. Rest 60% of it, I like to read books and learn about life and improve it as the best as I can. I believe that learning new things whenever it is possible keeps me sane otherwise, I would never be able to connect with people. My biggest passion in life is to be able to help people especially learners who want to learn technology and help them to decrypt the secrets of life which makes them create the life that they want. The mission statement of my life: Building myself to be strong and to help build others their strength to stand up and fight for themselves by holding principles of being Consistent, Focused, Patient, and Decisive maintained with Balance.

MOM employee - Vishruth Harithsa - ARTICLE photo.jpg


It would also be great if you could share with us your favorite movie, song, and/or a book. Let other Community members discover something new and interesting to watch/hear/read 🙂 

I mostly write articles in Medium about life and Technology ( To write, I believe one should read sufficiently.

Favorite Books: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma & Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson.

Music: Hey Jude, The Beatles

Movie: Avengers: The End Game


Vishruth, once again, congratulations! Thank you for the continuous help you provide for other Dynatrace Community members. Amazing job! We are really glad to have you in Dynatrace, in our Community, and we can’t wait to hear more from you!