With the third day of the Community Manager Appreciation Week already here, it's time for the second edition of our offbeat contest: The Community Dundies! This word might sound familiar to "The Office" series fans, but if you're not one of them - long story short, just like in the original Dundies, the Dundies Awards is a "contest" where we're honoring Dynatrace Community users for their extraordinary accomplishments from last year!
Comparing to Community Dundies 2023, this year we're not only showing you our own nominations, but in the same time - we're inviting you to nominate fellow Community users for their extraordinary accomplishments you find important! 😎
Let us start with our selection first... 👀
Shoutouts to the last year's most active Community Users:
@AntonPineiro, @Mizső @radek_jasinski, @Mohamed_Hamdy, @Patrick_H, @DanielS, @AntonioSousa, @Julius_Loman, @Kenny_Gillette, and @HannahM!
Shoutouts to the Community Users who submitted the biggest number of product ideas last year:
@asant257, @AntonioSousa, @Babar_Qayyum, @AntonPineiro, @Bill_Demsky, @ben_wrightson, @jean_louis_lorm, @Harvey_Zhang, @kucera, and @ChadTurner! 💡
Shoutouts to the Dynatracers who posted the most Troubleshooting topics last year:
@darynakovyrina, @HannahM, @karolinaboba, @yngwie_lucero, @alexander_dt, @TeoMoldovanu, @Mareeswaran, @KristynChartier, @MonikaBalogh, and @kanako_sato! 💥
Shoutouts to the Community Users who provided the most solutions to the topics last year:
@radek_jasinski, @Julius_Loman, @AntonPineiro, @ChadTurner, @Mizső, @Mike_L, @Mohamed_Hamdy, @DanielS, @Radoslaw_Szulgo, and @sinisa_zubic! ✅
Shoutouts to users who submitted the most Dynatrace Tips articles last years:
@AntonioSousa, @ChadTurner, @DanielS, @Iplinsky, @uros_djukic1, @Kenny_Gillette, @Julius_Loman, @henk_stobbe, @radek_jasinski, and @natanael_mendes!
Shoutouts to the Dynatrace Community's biggest helpers of last year: @Mike_L and @HannahM! 😎
Shoutouts to @Mizső for his outstanding engagement in the Dynatrace and Community Advocacy, especially - for the Dynatrace Pub initiative that allows the local platform enthusiasts to meet together, discuss, learn, have fun, and of course, drink something together 😉
Alright, these are the categories we've found the most outstanding during our own observation of the Dynatrace Community last year. Now it's time to your shoutouts to users who deserve to be highlighted, share your nominations in the comments below! 👇
January 22: Community Wrapped ✅
January 23: Community Crossword ✅
January 24: Community Dundies ✅
January 26: Online Charades with the Community! Join the event 🗓 🔜
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