The Dynatrace Community wouldn’t exist without you – the Digital Performance Monitoring experts. Only last year, you asked over 5,600 questions and provided over 10,000 answers!
The Community recognition awards are our special way of saying thank you for helping to make the world's largest digital performance community a success. At our Perform 2018 conference last month in Las Vegas, two individuals from our Customer and Partner bases who have been vibrant participants in our forums, contributors to product enhancements, and who have generally demonstrated the qualities that make our Community great were given awards on the main stage of the conference.
Customer Community Rock Star Award
Our first acknowledgment went to Rick B. who works at IBM Watson Healthand where he uses AppMon, though he has experience with most Dynatrace products. Rick has been collaborating with others in the Dynatrace Community for the last five years. He was our Member of the Month for August. In 2017, Rick was active over 130 times in the forums, answering questions, commenting, and voting. He is an Application Monitoring Professional Certified.
And so Rick was recognized as our Perform 2018 Customer Community Rock Star!
Partner Community Rock Star Award
Our second acknowledgment went to Bert H. who works an APM consultant in the Software Delivery Enablement Services (SDES) division for RealDolmen. Bert has been collaborating with others in the Dynatrace Community for the last four years. Last year, Bert was active almost 60 times in the forums and created two useful AppMon plugins that he unhesitatingly shared with the rest of the Community: REST Monitor Plugin and TFS/VSTS Test Automation Plugin. He was our Member of the Month for March and a speaker at Perform 2018.
And so Bert was recognized our Perform 2018 Partner Community Rock Star!
Let's congratulate our two awardees!