A path to self-discovery is not always straight and easy. In most cases, it is rather winding, full of twists and surprises that don’t always put a smile on our faces. But the sooner we discover our talents, the faster we can develop and polish them. Happy are those who discovered them quickly, especially at an early age.
The Dynatrace Community is built with very talented people. Smart, open-minded, and brave in overcoming challenges. One of them, happy to share knowledge and help others, is Guillaume Baudart who takes new steps every day to be not only a better specialist in what he does, but also a better version of himself.
So, come along for the ride with @gbaudart!
Can you share some details about your past? What is your story, and how did you decide to work in the IT / APM area?
I was interested in new technologies from a young age, especially in computer science, where I built my first PC at the age of 11. 🙂 Then, I started my electronics studies and specialized in computer science. After obtaining my System and Network Engineering degree, I held various positions for 6 years, such as System Engineer, Network Engineer, Virtualization, Production, Middleware, and served as the Information Systems Manager of an SME (Small and medium-sized enterprise) with around 300 employees. These experiences have given me significant insights into various layers of IT infrastructures.
After spending hours investigating performance issues in War Room, I joined my best friend in France, Paris, to create our consulting company specializing in IT Performance. Initially focused on Network Performance, I gradually shifted to Application Performance, now known as Observability.
It’s been 5 years since we started this journey, and I had no doubts or regrets about this choice, which allows me to thrive in a constantly evolving domain.
Can you tell us a little bit about your professional life? Where do you work, and what do you do in your job? And how does Dynatrace fit into the picture?
Today, I work as an observability consultant for multiple clients where my main tasks are:
- Support during study and design steps,
- Deploy and configure environments according to client needs,
- Analyze performance issues as a L3 support,
- Knowledge transfer and helping users’ adoption.
My main task is working on performance issues on both local and worldwide scopes. I love adapting to the client's activity and challenges in my daily work, providing personalized solutions for specific issues. Dynatrace, which is the best tool in the observability market, fits perfectly with many use cases for my clients.
What was the biggest challenge Dynatrace helped you to overcome?
There is no specific challenge. However, I can mention my most recent example. We needed indicators on strategic business processing times. The data was distributed across several different log files with completely different IDs and syntax for each one. Our legacy log management tool and Dynatrace Log V2 could not adequately address this business need. Only GRAIL with DQL allowed us to get the expected result. These new indicators will certainly help teams track and improve this strategic business processing time.
What brought you to our Community? What made you stay? What best advice can you give someone who just started using Community?
I discovered the Community one day when I was searching for an example of implementing a specific feature. The Community topics provide many concrete answers to everyday use cases (from my point of view, more than the Dynatrace documentation 😉).
In case of an unsuccessful search, I post a new article and/or ask the support chat.
The best advice I can give is regularly reading Tips or Topics and/or the Monthly Community News. By the way, I take this opportunity to thank the Community Team for their work, which summarizes the activity perfectly by highlighting the best articles.
Tell us something about you that most people don’t know. What is your biggest joy or passion in life?
My passions are sports (especially tennis), motorbikes, and traveling. Being the father of two little boys, aged 4 and 1.5 years, I have less opportunity to travel. Therefore, I have developed my passion for all sports. Sometimes, depending on the weather, I enjoy going for rides. Moreover, I am awaiting the 2024 Olympics in Paris, for which I couldn't resist buying tickets. 🙂
What’s one thing on your bucket list? Your dream?
One of my dreams is to travel across the US on a motorbike over the mythic Route 66!
Guillaume, now we know where the passion for your work comes from and what keeps the fire on that allows it to keep developing. We’re looking forward to seeing you even more on the Community! 😎