Since I was little, I always liked technology-related things, but at that time everything was very expensive in my country (Peru). And even more so, it was one of the countries where technology did not arrive very quickly. My godmother, who lived in the United States, gave me portable consoles, and that's where my path began in the world of console video games. I started with Game Boy and moved on to black-and-white, eventually reaching the Nintendo Wii.
Over time, my father gave me a very particular gift: a computer keyboard (which didn't work). I had fun imagining that he would use it to write stories. My father is self-taught. He built a computer for me and my sister (purchasing pieces piece by piece). The hardware was already ready, but not the software. However, his work kept him quite busy and required time, so he did not install the operating system; he hired a specialist for that last task. I remember that time a lot because that specialist looked like "John Lennon" and I called him "Mr. The People" (In reference to a part of the lyrics of the song by Imagine - John Lennon).
I have always considered myself a very curious person, and at that time, I sat down to watch how "Mr. The People" installed and configured the computer. Everything I saw on the screen seemed like magic, and I also wanted to learn how to do it. At that time, I had to learn some DOS commands to try computer games, so my father bought a DOS manual. He learned it first, and then he taught me. One of the things I liked most as a child was to turn on the computer, enter DOS, put in my game disk, enter the file folder and run my games. At that time, I asked my father: what job could give me more money? (Because I wanted to buy more games) and he told me, "Systems Engineering." Since then, I had in mind that that was what I wanted to study.
As time went by, I investigated and discovered that this career was closely linked to technology and closely related to computers, which motivated me more to be sure that that was what I wanted. This is how, since I was a child, I decided to be a Systems Engineer, it all started with the innocence of having more games to discover what exactly would relate me to technology forever.
As I grew older, I became more passionate about technology, which led me to join the Microsoft Community in college. I was a leader of my community, and we participated in several technology challenges with them. The one I remember most is the Imagine Cup 2013, where we came in third place nationally with the mobile application we created called "NexTalky" (a voice social network). It was one of the greatest adventures of my life to develop that application against the clock.
(I had to make the video with PowerPoint with 8 hours left before the platform closed because the person hired for the video canceled us at the last minute.)
Throughout my professional growth, I have followed Microsoft's technological trends. For this reason, one of the people I admire the most in terms of technology and business is Bill Gates.
First days of 2024, Learning Sandboarding
I have always thought that one of the best ways to do things right is to start from the bottom, understanding holistically how many things in technology are interconnected.
My professional career began as a programmer, almost for five years. Then, I explored the world of Systems Analysts in a Banking company, where I learned a lot about corporate observability and decided to give myself a chance in the world by focusing on observability. A great friend of mine, César Saravia, told me about the opportunity to be part of Dynatrace. I researched the corporation and was fascinated by its technology, its functions, and the power it had to monitor the technology park. I took it as a great challenge to learn and apply all my knowledge in this new company, Dynatrace.
Today, I am part of the Dynatrace services team for Peru, Chile, and Colombia, assigned to one of the largest clients in Latin America (Banking Entity), where we’re constantly proposing new ways to take advantage of the power of Dynatrace, understanding the needs of our clients.
Thanks to the work we have been doing with my team (Eric Yu and Sebastian Moscoso) I had the honor of receiving the Product Expansion - LATAM 2023 award, it has been an incredible experience.
We have made several proposals with our client that use new Dynatrace technologies and functions, such as Grail, Workflows, Business Events, and Dashboard Gen 3. These are already implemented in Test environments, and we're very close to migrating all this to Production.
It is also exciting that we're starting to work on demonstrating the power of AppSec, focused on its particular use cases.LEFT: Dynatrace Peru & Chile Team / MIDDLE: Dynatrace Barcelona Team / RIGHT: Premation in Orlando, Florida, ACE Services Product Expansion 2023
The work culture and being a highly technological company are 2 of the very important factors for me.
Work culture: I am non-negotiable about having a balanced life. Dynatrace takes the importance of balance for all its workers very seriously. The people within the corporation are really great. My SPLA work team is highly collaborative, and we have a very pleasant work environment. The team has a lot of technical, analytical, and business experience, and the meetings with them are very interesting.
I also had the opportunity to travel for a few months to EMEA - Barcelona, where I visited the headquarters in that country, and it was really surprising, I fell in love with it. I met spectacular people, I was surprised by the quality of the people I met (it was one of my longest stay trips), I made many friends, and there I saw that the culture at Dynatrace comes from each of the members of the corporation, and everyone they were selected by a Human Resources team who made sure they had high-value people.
There are 2 phrases that govern my life.
"There is no better way to learn than by teaching others" and "Today I teach you what I know, because tomorrow I’ll know something new."
They have helped me a lot to learn different aspects of my professional and personal life, and I genuinely believe that human beings are constantly learning. Therefore, I think helping people with their doubts in the Community is a form of self-learning.
" There are many exciting
contributions to the Community
and very experienced professionals
who not only respond with answers
but also with technological suggestions. "
If I had to advise someone new to the Dynatrace Community, it would be: “You are entering a data center specialized in Dynatrace that is constantly updated and has personalized responses.” Take advantage of living the experience of being heard and understood with everything related to our powerful platform.
I think that communities are the best place to learn about something specific and that their value is generated by the users who use the platform daily.
At this moment, some things that are on my wish list are to continue traveling the world, live new experiences, return to Barcelona (I was really fascinated with Dynatrace Barcelona and its culture in general) and… have my own cat as a pet. Something very important is that I am fascinated by cats (as a child, I had up to 6 cats at home; of course, my house at that time was much bigger), but unfortunately, I am allergic to cats. I hope, one day, I’ll have my hypoallergenic cat.
This year, I have decided to constantly do new things and continue with the old ones that I really like.
Some examples of this are:
I am not a professional runner, but I really like to set challenges for myself, and one of them is to go to marathons like I did the last 2 years in the "Wings for Life World Run", where Dynatrace sponsored those races, I am very grateful. great experiences. I also started doing more Trekking this year in my country (Nevado de Raura), in the part closest to Antarctica, The End of the World/Argentina (Martial Glacier, Laguna Esmeralda), just like I started practicing "Kendo," a Japanese martial art, surfing, and SandBoarding.
LEFT: Martial Glacier – Argentina, Ushuaia / MIDDLE: End of the world park - Argentina, Ushuaia / RIGHT: Wings for Life World Run, Perú - 2024