Dynatrace named a leader again, this time in AIOps: Dynatrace named a leader in Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps) report by independent ...
Take a look into how Temenos, a world-leading banking software provider, uses Dynatrace to help its customers create seamless banking experiences:
Temenos enables seamless banking experiences with Dynatrace
Chad T. , Antonio S. , Július L. - for being our Community power users. Each of you contributed to the Community last month with more than 50 answers & comments. Thank you for building a great knowledge base about Dynatrace and lending a helping hand to other Community members!
Roberto I. - for submitting the most voted product idea of the last month: Exclude disabled/manual services from Windows Services Monitoring
Reinhard W. - for your outstanding activity and responsiveness in the forums, and also for sharing such a historically interesting story about the first computer bug in the Take the "Funny Bug" challenge!
Till the 18th of November participate in Davis Insights challenge!
Let's share the stories of how Dynatrace Davis changed the work you do.
Take a look at our previous Funny Bug challenge and have a bit of fun.
Read two inspiring interviews with the most helpful Dynatrace Community members from the previous month:
Employee Member of the month: Joe Hoffman
“I contribute to the community because I like helping people. It’s very rewarding to provide someone a few ideas that get them to the next step towards their goals."
Community member of the month: Reinhard Weber
“The high potential in automating the whole Dynatrace platform is one of my favorite aspects.”
If you have a lot of metrics and you'd like to start analyzing them, this is great news from Dynatrace! Read Wolfgang Beer's new blog where he explains how this will make your life easier: Intelligent, context-aware AI analytics for all your custom metrics
Learn how you can simplify observability for all your custom metrics - starting with #StatsD, in the first part of Michael Kopp's new blog series: Simplify observability for all your custom metrics (Part 1: StatsD)