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Community Team
Community Team

Is it a bird?
Is it a plane?
No, it’s @ChadTurner!
Our first Community Member who has reached the rank of Legend! :star_struck: 🎉

Chad joined Dynatrace Community in November 2019 and has been climbing the ranks like a rocket since :rocket: He is incredibly active, not only in the Community but acting as a Dynatrace advocate way beyond. Recognized as one of the most valuable customer contributors, he's been awarded by Dynatrace with a Rock Star Award in 2022.

He frequents the forums and significantly contributes to the Community. How do we know that? The numbers speak for themselves: 

  • He's earned 89 of available in the Community badges.
  • Provided over 3,000 contributions!
  • And authored over 600 solutions on the Dynatrace forums.

Our Community users appreciate his help, and that’s why he received almost 3,000 kudos as well. 👍

What other things do we appreciate about Chad?

  • He helps to develop and grow our Community by providing constant feedback.
  • He’s one of the most recognizable Community super users called :dynamight: DynaMights. By the way, he came up with the final idea for the name of this program!

And besides all that, he's just a great person and family guy 🤗

Chad_1 1-2.png
We’d like to congratulate you, Chad, and say a massive THANK YOU once again for all your support and commitment. You rock! 😎

We can’t wait to welcome more Community Members to the Legend rank... :awww: