16 Oct 2019 05:31 AM
I want to make pods in K8S namespace A mapped to environment A of Dynatrace Managed; then pods in K8S namespace B mapped to environment B of Dynatrace Managed.
How can OneAgent Operator do this?
Based on my understanding, it seems like it either mapped instances of all the different namespaces to environment A or environment B.
Based on what I read, it seems the taint and tolerations only has something to do with nodes, but not namespace.
Anyone has any idea on how I might be able to achieve this? thanks, any comment is welcome.
Best Regards,
Wai Keat
16 Oct 2019 06:07 AM
I don't think this can currently be done unless you make sure the pods in each namespace run on dedicated nodes which receive a OneAgent that talks to the desired environment/tenant. In that case you might have to run two separate operators, one for each environment.
The other "solution" is to use app-only monitoring and manually deploying the OneAgent into each pod/container.
29 Oct 2019 10:35 AM
Currently not possible. You can only separate different environments on a node by node basis via labels.