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How to implement Dynatrace OneAgent for GraphQL Microservices running on OpenShift Container Platform


Hi Team,

We are working on a POC to implement Dynatrace to monitor a application running on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

We know that DT OneAgent have capability of monitoring full stack OCP using smartscape Component.

But here we are looking to implement DT on the GraphQL and provide GraphQL related metrics to monitor the GraphQL Engine Performance.


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Hi Pardha,

Have you already tried to monitor this? I have seen GraphQL (running in Node) containers being monitored with Dynatrace.


Hi @Siavash H.,

Thanks for your reply. Yes we have tried monitoring GraphQL as you suggested, but it is not providing GraphQL query presented as an independent call inside the distributed trace. We should be able to parse the query or mutation and provides insight into the provided arguments. DT should be able to provide user with insight into the subscription messages and subscribers.


Hi Pardha,

Dynatrace can monitor query or mutation in GraphQL (as Request Attribute). You need to use Dynatrace SDK I have already test it in my tenant

Dear Miftah,

Thank you so much for responding on my query.

Yes we did use Oneagent SDK for Node JS. But I request you to clarify on below as well to help me understand the instrumentation done by you.

Which feature of one agent SDK did you use from below :

1. Trace incoming and outgoing remote calls


2. Set Custom request attributes

We used both of the above stated features, but no luck.

This the code we have added as part of one agent SDK

Api.addCustomRequestAttribute("START", "getCourseModel");

Api.addCustomRequestAttribute("END", "getCourseModel");

Thanks in advance!

Hi Pardha,

If you would like to extract value from each mutation/query of GraphQL request. You can use Custom Request Attributes on SDK. You also need to add Request Attribute on Dynatrace Environment and choose SDK Custom Attribute.

Hope it helps


Is there a How-to somewhere that explains exactly how to hook this up? I'm not really finding anything online besides this thread, which is not very helpful for somebody that is evaluating DT. My stack uses GraphQL and I would like to set it up properly ( however that is supposed to happen ) so that I can compare it to other tools. Is there some helpful information out there?

Community Team
Community Team

Hello everyone,

There is now a GraphQL extension available in Dynatrace Hub. You can check it out here:


If you have any questions about the Community, you can contact me at


Hi. Does this graphql extension works on java stack? @MaciejNeumann 

Tried on but it doesn't display the detail what kind of query being run. What was only visible is /graphql endpoint.


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