I followed the instructions https://docs.dynatrace.com/docs/setup-and-configuration/setup-on-k8s/quickstart to deploy OneAgent in my local docker-desktop kubernetes (mac machine). However, oneagent pod ran into CrashLoopBackOff status with error log:
08:34:40 Installation started, version, build date: 06.08.2024, PID 77647.
08:34:40 Detected platform: LINUX arch: X86_64
08:34:40 Starting agents...
08:34:40 Checking root privileges...
id: cannot find name for user ID 1000
08:34:40 Process real user: 1000, real ID: 1000
id: cannot find name for user ID 1000
08:34:40 Process effective user: 1000, effective ID: 1000
08:34:40 Error: NOT OK
08:34:40 Error: OneAgent commands have to be executed as root.
Do you know how to fix this?