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Openshift-storage: Kubernetes PVC: Low disk space % problems since update to new SaaS version (1.294)

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Our SaaS cluster updated to version 1.294. After the update, we started seeing multiple "Openshift-storage: Kubernetes PVC: Low disk space %" problems for all OpenShift clusters.


For the 6 persistent volume claims, the available space in % of capacity has always been 0% (threshold has not been changed!), so we are wondering if the problems are now created due to the SaaS update and if we are looking at a feature (fixed bug) or a new bug. 😉 Or if Kubernetes/OpenShift is the issue in this story....

I havn't found information regarding this issue in the release notes.

Dynatrace SaaS release notes version 1.294 - Dynatrace Docs

A Dynatrace Professional nerd working for Conclusion Xforce

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