11 Oct 2023
08:04 PM
- last edited on
12 Oct 2023
10:55 AM
I am trying to enable the "Releases" configuration in Dynatrace with respect to my AWS EKS cluster.
In the Dynakube, I have the feature flag enabed:
In the OneAgent pods, I can see the labels in the in the "Properties and tags" view (as well as with kubectl):
app.kubernetes.io/created-by:dynakube, app.kubernetes.io/managed-by:dynatrace-operator, app.kubernetes.io/name:oneagent, app.kubernetes.io/version:, app.kubernetes.io/component:cloudnativefullstack
The oneAgent pod have the env variable set:
value: gd10
apiVersion: v1
fieldPath: metadata.labels['apps.kubernetes.io/version']
However in the Relases page, I am not getting any "Release version" information to show up:
missing release version
I feel like I've followed the guide to the letter but I am not seeing full functionality here.
Can anyone suggest how to troubleshoot further?
11 Oct 2023 08:26 PM - edited 11 Oct 2023 08:27 PM
release version field is empty when I drill down from the Releases page
release version field is empty
16 Oct 2023 11:31 AM
It looks like the wrong parameters in app.kubernetes.io/version - as far as I can see it says version of OneAgent - you should enter the version number of your application.
See here:
Also try giving the versions without using the "-". I used to have a problem with this.