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Access Main Technology of individual processes


Within a DQL query, I am trying to filter processes based on the "Main Technology" of each process group, e.g. "Dynatrace" and "Elasticsearch". However, I can't seem to find the variable containing the "Main Technology" of each process.


I have tried looking for it in the following with no luck: 






But when viewing the process itself in the Dynatrace GUI, the "Main Technology" is stated plainly:


Could any one tell me what variable I should call in DQL to access the "Main Technology" information please? 



Hey @Javin_Singh , see if this quick dql will serve your purpose:

fetch dt.entity.process_group_instance
| fieldsAdd softwareTechnologies, processType
| filter matchesPhrase(softwareTechnologies, "DYNATRACE")


This will list you all Process Group Instances that have "DYNATRACE" as a software technology field.


As a tip, remember you can always use the 'describe' command to try and find out what you can/should call on the DQL query wit fieldsAdd 🙂 I discovered dt.entity.process_group_instance has a softwareTechnologies field because I used:

describe dt.entity.process_group_instance


And that gave me a table with all the fields I could search for. You should definitely try it out yourself as it can be very useful to refine your dql dashboards and make them fancy.

To make an error is human. To spread the error across all servers in an automated way is DevOps.

Thanks Pedros, this worked.

Hi, this is ok when you want to find if a process/process group has or not a specific technology, but how to extract the Main technology like it's shown in process/process group page?

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