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Add these values


I want to add these values filter and I want it to affect what is in the view



fetch dt.entity.service
| fields, managementZones = managementZones
| filter matchesValue(managementZones, "prod")


fetch dt.entity.service
| expand tags
| filter contains(tags, "prod")



The code that is displayed is


const processedResults: MetricResult[] = metricQuery.result[0] => { return { "Service Name": result.dimensionMap[""], "Service ID": result.dimensionMap["dt.entity.service"], "Tag": result.dimensionMap["dt.entity.service"], "Failure Rate": +result.values }; });


Is there something I can write instead of dt.entity.service ??








DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

hi @yuval1983 ,

When I run these 2 queries independently, I don't get any errors on my side.

Are these two different requests? Can you provide us with a screenshot of your query with the visible error please?

Observability Consultant - Dynatrace Professional Certified



I want to filter the table by total of TAGS and ZONE, including a cut according to the filter below, instead of filtering only before the service name.





DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

To use these 2 filters in the same query, you may test :

fetch dt.entity.service
| fields, managementZones, tags
| filter matchesValue(managementZones, "prod")
| expand tags
| filter contains(tags, "prod")


Observability Consultant - Dynatrace Professional Certified

@gbaudart wrote:

To use these 2 filters in the same query, you may test :






fetch dt.entity.service
| fields, managementZones, tags
| filter matchesValue(managementZones, "prod")
| expand tags
| filter contains(tags, "prod")








Ok, I want to filter the results based on services and tags and display them in a window (table). The filter will look like this: services:test, tags:test2. Also, the Zone:prod .



What should I replace in this setting?

"Zone": result.dimensionMap["dt.entity.service"],
"Tag": result.dimensionMap["dt.entity.service"],



import { metricsClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';

export default async function fetchMetricResults() {
const serviceSelection = $Service;
const metricKey = "";

const config = {
metricSelector: buildQuery(serviceSelection, metricKey),
resolution: "Inf",
from: $dt_timeframe_from,
to: $dt_timeframe_to,
acceptType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"

if (config.metricSelector.length > 3500) {
return "Please select fewer services";

const metricQuery = await metricsClient.query(config);

const processedResults: MetricResult[] = metricQuery.result[0] => {
return {
"Service Name": result.dimensionMap[""],
"Service ID": result.dimensionMap["dt.entity.service"],
"Zone": result.dimensionMap["dt.entity.service"],
"Tag": result.dimensionMap["dt.entity.service"],
"Failure Rate": +result.values

return processedResults;

function buildQuery(inputs: string[], metricKey: string): string {
const filters =
input => `in("dt.entity.service", entitySelector("type(service), entityName.equals(~"${input}~")"))`
const filterString = filters.join(",");

return `${metricKey}:filter(or(${filterString})):splitBy("dt.entity.service"):sort(value(auto, descending)):names`;


 I'm not looking for an error



I have created a dashboard and added filters for Service, Zone, and Tag. The filter for Service is working fine and the dashboard is being filtered accordingly when I select a service. However, when I try to filter by Zone or Tag, it doesn't work and doesn't display the required information on the dashboard.

I have checked the code and noticed that the following code is used for Service filtering:
"Service Name": result.dimensionMap[""],
"Service ID": result.dimensionMap["dt.entity.service"]

But, I am not sure what code I should use for Zone and Tag filtering. I am not sure which "" I should use for Zone and Tag filtering or what I should configure in the code for filtering by Zone and Tag.



DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

mz and tags are not Dynatrace entities. you will therefore not have an equivalent in you have to find a workaround

Observability Consultant - Dynatrace Professional Certified


The classic bashboard I can do this filter there according to TAG

Why can't it be done here?






DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion


I'm not saying we can't filter on tags, just that there is no for tags.
When I want to filter on tags with Grail or the SDK, I generally use an EntitySelector.

However, I am not strong enough in SDK code to easily reformulate your "query"

Observability Consultant - Dynatrace Professional Certified


I was able to create the filter that I needed. Now, I just need to link it to the code inside the table, which I attached above. I'm not sure how to insert this filter into the table's view.


fetch dt.entity.service
| expand tags
| filter contains(tags, "Planning and stability")
| fields managementZones, tags



DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

If you “simply” have to take the filter value.
I think, You may use the $FILTER variable :



Observability Consultant - Dynatrace Professional Certified


Could you assist me in inserting a value into this code? I am having trouble inserting it in a way that it will filter rather than tag. Below is the code that I have mentioned earlier

import { metricsClient } from '@dynatrace-sdk/client-classic-environment-v2';

export default async function fetchMetricResults() {
const serviceSelection = $Service;
const metricKey = "";

const config = {
metricSelector: buildQuery(serviceSelection, metricKey),
resolution: "Inf",
from: $dt_timeframe_from,
to: $dt_timeframe_to,
acceptType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"

if (config.metricSelector.length > 3500) {
return "Please select fewer services";

const metricQuery = await metricsClient.query(config);

const processedResults: MetricResult[] = metricQuery.result[0] => {
return {
"Service Name": result.dimensionMap[""],
"Service ID": result.dimensionMap["dt.entity.service"],
"Tag":  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,  
"Failure Rate": +result.values

return processedResults;

function buildQuery(inputs: string[], metricKey: string): string {
const filters =
input => `in("dt.entity.service", entitySelector("type(service), entityName.equals(~"${input}~")"))`
const filterString = filters.join(",");

return `${metricKey}:filter(or(${filterString})):splitBy("dt.entity.service"):sort(value(auto, descending)):names`;

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Try this :

const processedResults: MetricResult[] = metricQuery.result[0] => {
return {
"Service Name": result.dimensionMap[""],
"Service ID": result.dimensionMap["dt.entity.service"],
"Tag": $Tags_PlanningAndStability, 
"Failure Rate": +result.values



On the other hand, to improve the rereading of your code, you should indent it

Observability Consultant - Dynatrace Professional Certified

There is progress now, and I can see the value. However, the filter doesn't really perform a filter like the service filter's function. It only shows what I mark inside the filter.

The classic dashboard where I make the change in the filter by filtering, so I see what service is inside that tag.


Thank you for your assistance and patience.






function buildQuery(inputs: string[], metricKey: string): string {
const filters =
input => `in("dt.entity.service", entitySelector("type(service), entityName.equals(~"${input}~")"))`
const filterString = filters.join(",");

return `${metricKey}:filter(or(${filterString})):splitBy("dt.entity.service"):sort(value(auto, descending)):names`;

hi @Pawel_Zalewski 


Maybe you have a solution ?:)

Hi yuval1983,

I'm afraid I don't have idea for solution 😞 But I see you made a big progress with @gbaudart, nice work 👏

"The lions does not ally with the coyotes"

I was able to link a tag to the table, but you pointed out that the name of the service in the table is incorrect. I would like to display all the names under the same tag group. I need help figuring out how to do it.








HI, @gbaudart 


I need to know how to search for a desired service using tags.

Maybe I need to change something here?




This is the code-

Could you please tell me where I can find an index or a way to debug it?



DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Hi @yuval1983 
In the EntitySelector command, you can filter with the desired tags like this:

input => `in("dt.entity.service", entitySelector("type(service), entityName.equals(~"${input}~"), tag("$TAG_VARIABLE")"))`
Observability Consultant - Dynatrace Professional Certified

Thank you for your assistance.

I have a new project and need to prioritize, but I will update you once I have more information. Thank you again for your help and prompt responses.

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