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Calculate time interval between 2 timestamps records



Hi, I ingested customized logs into Dynatrace.

I have 2 columns named "bmx.hip.execution.endtime" and "bmx.hip.execution.starttime" with are timestamps in iso format.

Is there any way to calculate the time interval between the two of them in a separate column that I created "timediff" ?


DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Hi @AlexisGND ,

you may try this :


| fieldsAdd timeDiff = endtime - startime
| fields timeDiff




Dynatrace Partner - Professional Certified - DynaMight

Hi @gbaudart, thanks for your reply.

I tried this DQL command :


I just changed the name of the column in english (and not in french).

But "timeDiff" is still on "null", does that means that timeDiff is not able to calculate time interval with 2 iso formats ?

Result :


If it's not possible to calculate the time interval, i tried an alternative way (only if the DQL above is not the solution) :

(i tried an alernative way to do substings with the timestamp in order to get and associates numbers with Year, month etc)
It's done like this :


But i get an error that shows it's not possible to calculate between numbers (or i don't understand the error message).



DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

I'm doing exactly the same thing in my environment with the DQL request I sent.
There must be something to fix.
I'll think about it.

Dynatrace Partner - Professional Certified - DynaMight

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Try this :

| fieldsAdd StartTimeModif = formatTimestamp(StartTime,format:"dd MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss"), EndTimeModif = formatTimestamp(EndTime,format:"dd MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss"), DiffTime = EndTimeModif - StartTimeModif
| fields DiffTime
Dynatrace Partner - Professional Certified - DynaMight


DiffTime is still on "null"
Even if i change to End_execution and Start_execution


Even when i display everything, I have null on StartTime and EndTime :



I am currently looking at the time functions documentation Time functions - Dynatrace Docs

I will let you know if i find anything

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

your variable aren't good.

Try this :

| fieldsAdd StartTimeModif = formatTimestamp(Start_execution,format:"dd MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss"), EndTimeModif = formatTimestamp(End_execution,format:"dd MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss"), DiffTime = EndTimeModif - StartTimeModif
| fields DiffTime


Dynatrace Partner - Professional Certified - DynaMight


I changed the time format because I saw in the line : 

format:"dd MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss"

 Now Start and End have time but DiffTime has nothing

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

May you paste your entire query pls ? 

Dynatrace Partner - Professional Certified - DynaMight


// get logs
fetch logs
// filter timestamp descending
| sort timestamp desc

// rename columns
| fieldsRename End_execution = bmx.hip.execution.endtime
| fieldsRename Start_execution = bmx.hip.execution.starttime
| fieldsRename HostName =

// filter host names with Datastage
| filter HostName == "Datastage" or HostName == "DATASTAGE" or HostName == "datastage"

// display columns
| fieldsAdd StartTimeModif = formatTimestamp(Start_execution,format:"dd MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss"), EndTimeModif = formatTimestamp(End_execution,format:"dd MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss"), DiffTime = EndTimeModif - StartTimeModif
| fields DiffTime, Start_execution, StartTimeModif, End_execution, EndTimeModif

the "formatted" field was just a test.
But my guess is the incorrect format of Start_execution and End_execution

By doing a test, when I do "formatTimestamp", the default timestamp is correct but even when the Endtime is with the same format as the timestamp, still got a null.
I really don't get it... 😞



fetch logs
| sort timestamp desc
| filter == "Datastage"

| fieldsAdd formatted = formatTimestamp(timestamp, format:"MM-dd-YYYY")
| fieldsAdd formatted2 = formatTimestamp(bmx.hip.execution.endtime, format:"MM-dd-YYYY")

| fields timestamp, formatted, bmx.hip.execution.endtime, formatted2


DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

I will try to test with your dataset

Dynatrace Partner - Professional Certified - DynaMight

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

If you just try this :

fetch logs
| sort timestamp desc
| filter == "Datastage"

| fields toTimestamp(bmx.hip.execution.endtime), toTimestamp(bmx.hip.execution.starttime)


Do you also get "null" for the 2 results?

Dynatrace Partner - Professional Certified - DynaMight

Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

I suspect that ingested fields are just Strings. To do any arithmetics they need to be converted to timestamps. toTimestamp function should catch iso format. Please try query based on this example:

data record(ts="2024-01-22 15:30:01.000000", te="2024-01-22 15:30:01.500000")
| fieldsAdd pts=toTimestamp(ts), pte=toTimestamp(te)
| fieldsAdd d=pte-pts




So I finally arrived at the end result 🙂

What I did ?
The start time (as bmx.hip.execution.starttime) and end time (as bmx.hip.execution.endtime) were converted to timestamp formats with this lines :

// convert start and end times to timestamp format
| fieldsAdd bmx.hip.execution.endtime = toTimestamp(bmx.hip.execution.endtime),
bmx.hip.execution.starttime = toTimestamp(bmx.hip.execution.starttime)

And then I added a new field to substract the endtime with the starttime.

| fieldsAdd bmx.hip.execution.duration = bmx.hip.execution.endtime - bmx.hip.execution.starttime

Final dql :

// get logs
fetch logs
// filter timestamp descending
| sort timestamp desc

// filter host names with Datastage
| filter == "Datastage" or == "DATASTAGE" or == "datastage"
| filter loglevel == "NOTICE" or loglevel == "NONE" or loglevel == "DEBUG"

// convert start and end times to timestamp format
| fieldsAdd bmx.hip.execution.endtime = toTimestamp(bmx.hip.execution.endtime),
bmx.hip.execution.starttime = toTimestamp(bmx.hip.execution.starttime)
| fieldsAdd bmx.hip.execution.duration = bmx.hip.execution.endtime - bmx.hip.execution.starttime

// display columns
| fields content, bmx.hip.execution.starttime, bmx.hip.execution.endtime, bmx.hip.execution.duration, bmx.hip.execution.status

// rename columns
| fieldsRename End_execution = bmx.hip.execution.endtime
| fieldsRename Start_execution = bmx.hip.execution.starttime

Final visual result :


Thanks @gbaudart and @krzysztof_hoja for your help !

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