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Conditional Parsing

Frequent Guest

Currently I'm dealing with a logfile which outputs different data depending on the action which has occurred, one parse statement cannot handle all the options so I have multiple parse statements.

I need to combine it all into one table at the end, but the only option I've found so far is via multiple fetch & appends, which feels very inefficient and clunky. Is there are way to streamline this sort of query?

As an example:





fetch logs, from: -3d
|  filter == "myTag"
|  filter matchesPhrase(content, "myFirstTextToMatch")
| parse content, "DATA blah blah blah parse out fields here"
| append  [fetch logs, from: -3d
  |  filter == "myTag"
  |  filter matchesPhrase(content, "mySecondTextToMatch")
  |  parse content, "DATA blah blah blah parse out second pattern fields here"
    | append  [fetch logs, from: -3d
      |  filter == "myTag"
      |  filter matchesPhrase(content, "myThirdTextToMatch")
      |  parse content, "DATA blah blah blah parse out third pattern fields here"
... and so on





Is there a way to use a conditional operator here maybe?

ie, IF matches FirstText then parse using First pattern ELSE IF matches SecondText parse using Second pattern...


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