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DQL - Need to split network i/o process metrics for azure VMs in a dt.entity.process_group




I am trying to create a DQL query for a dashboard that can output process network I/O metrics ( and for two pairs of Azure virtual machines (with OneAgent installed) that run the same service (named) in the same network. Dynatrace has automatically created a process group for named which contains all four virtual machines, however I only want to query two virtual machines from the process group. I don't want to query using the hosts name because dynatrace has created a unique name that will be updated regularly but instead I want to use the Azure resource name ( Can this be done?



VM names:

Pair one: npd-uk-pri00-abc(abc is changed regularly to a random string)

Pair two: npd-uk-sec00-abc(abc is changed regularly to a random string)




Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

To achieve this you need to have your metrics also by host and then using entity model relationships connect host to Azure VMs.

Example of such query:

timeseries {rx=sum(, tx=sum(}, 
  by: {, dt.entity.process_group},
  filter: dt.entity.process_group=="PROCESS_GROUP-0EA1068B7FD50946"
| fieldsAdd entityAttr(,"runs_on")
| fieldsAdd[dt.entity.azure_vm]
| fieldsAdd entityName(dt.entity.azure_vm)
  • get metrics by process group and host for chosen PG
  • search for related VMs using runs_on[dt.entity.azure_vm] relationship
  • get name for each VM

Result looks like this on my environment:



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