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Expand DQL TimeFrame



I am trying to create a row-by-row comparison in DQL. However, the query so far is a time frame and hence one row. I want to create a row for each interval in the time frame. But I can't find a way to expand this time frame. Does anyone know how I can create a new row for each interval?


This the query so far. 


timeseries ThisWeek = avg(log.payment.amounteur),
from: now() -30m,
by: { payment.status, payment.airline },
filter: { payment.status == "APPROVED"
AND payment.airline == "KL" }
| join on: { payment.status, payment.airline },
[timeseries LastWeek = avg(log.payment.amounteur),
by: { payment.status, payment.airline }, shift: -24h],
fields: {LastWeek}
| fields timeframe, ThisWeek, LastWeek


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

It is doable using using special start() or end() functions which can be used in timeseries command to produce timeseries with timestamps and use of expand command. Expand without additions I mentioned of course works, but you will loose time information for datapoint.

Here is example query on demo data:

timeseries cpu=avg(, t=start()
| fieldsAdd cput = record(cpu=cpu[], t=t[])
| expand cput
| fields cpu=cput[cpu], t=cput[t]

and result looks like this:


But I think some comparisons can be also made using timeseries (arrays) without expanding as corresponding values have same index in the arrays). What comparison do you want to make?



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