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Having trouble adding a field to a record within grail via a processing rule


I'm trying to add field error.type when specific messages occur within sfm records, within a custom 2.0 extension I have created. I've defined the processing rule below.

When Connection exists but no metrics have been produced for endpoints: is logged in the content it works fine, error.type of Connection exists but no metrics have been produced is added to the record. Whenever Exception occured: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection is logged in the content, there is no error.type added. When viewing the record in grail I see null for error.type while for the other I can see the value I expect. What am I doing wrong here? I can put in the log for this error type and test it against the rule and the error.type does show, see screenshot below.


(matchesValue(event.type, "sfm") and matchesPhrase(, "")
and (matchesPhrase(content, "Exception occured: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied")
or matchesPhrase(content, "Exception occured: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection")
or matchesPhrase(content, "Failed to configure and schedule polling for endpoint")
or matchesPhrase(content, "Error in YAML or JSON configuration; Datasource has exited and will be starting shortly")
or matchesPhrase(content, "query have failed")
or matchesPhrase(content, "Connection exists but no metrics have been produced for endpoints:")
or matchesPhrase(content, "No feature set is activated for")))


Process definition
FIELDS_ADD(content, error.type:IF_THEN_ELSE(content CONTAINS("Exception occured: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied"), "Invalid username/password",
IF_THEN_ELSE(content CONTAINS("Exception occured: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection"), "Cannot connect to database",
IF_THEN_ELSE(content CONTAINS("Failed to configure and schedule polling for endpoint"), "Failed to configure and schedule polling for endpoint",
IF_THEN_ELSE(content CONTAINS("Error in YAML or JSON configuration; Datasource has exited and will be starting shortly"), "Error in YAML or JSON configuration",
IF_THEN_ELSE(content CONTAINS("Connection exists but no metrics have been produced for endpoints:"), "Connection exists but no metrics have been produced",
IF_THEN_ELSE(content CONTAINS("No feature set is activated for"), "No feature set activated",
IF_THEN_ELSE(content CONTAINS("query have failed"), "Query failed"))))))))



Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

Is this still an issue?


Try this based on the "CONTAINS" function rule. 

Also, I would recommend reduce the matcher string into more unique values instead of the entire line of text.

FIELDS_ADD(error.type:IF_THEN_ELSE(CONTAINS(content, "Exception occured: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied"), "Invalid username/password",
IF_THEN_ELSE(CONTAINS(content, "Exception occured: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection"), "Cannot connect to database",
IF_THEN_ELSE(CONTAINS(content, "Failed to configure and schedule polling for endpoint"), "Failed to configure and schedule polling for endpoint",
IF_THEN_ELSE(CONTAINS(content, "Error in YAML or JSON configuration; Datasource has exited and will be starting shortly"), "Error in YAML or JSON configuration",
IF_THEN_ELSE(CONTAINS(content , "Connection exists but no metrics have been produced for endpoints:"), "Connection exists but no metrics have been produced",
IF_THEN_ELSE(CONTAINS(content, "No feature set is activated for"), "No feature set activated",
IF_THEN_ELSE(CONTAINS(content, "query have failed"), "Query failed"))))))))




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