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Is there a way to get row_number () or any function to generate sequential number in DQL ?


Is there a way to get row_number () or any function to generate sequential number in DQL ?


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

You can generate table with indexes if you have your data in form of timeseries using iIndex() function in iterative expression. 

Can you share your query end explain where/why you want to "number" you data?



Thank you. Here is the DQL 


| fieldsAdd managementZones
| expand managementZones
| filter managementZones == "mz_prod" 
|expand tags
  |parse tags, """((LD:tag (!<<'\\' ':') LD:value)|LD:tag)"""
  |filter tag == "AppName" 
|fieldsAdd AppName = value
|filter AppName == "App1"
|fieldsAdd  pm=ceil(toDouble(physicalMemory)/1000000000)
|fields AppName,,   pm
|summarize d=collectArray(record(AppName,,   pm))
|fields a = record(value = d[], index = iIndex())
|expand a
|fields test =a[value], index = a[index]
|fields AppName=test[AppName],[],pm=test[pm],index

I need the index (sequence #) to compare with hosts of another Management zone for the same appName.

Can you please suggest, how can I create a timeseries out of this result ? Thank you.

I used word "timeseries", while I should use just "array". I see that you successfully used iIndex() function to get entity numbering.


I rewrote the query, so it can work on my test environment (adjusted filters) and did some simplification/compressions of syntax (use of expand can be avoided ) 

| filter iAny(managementZones[]=="HipsterShopLogs")

| fieldsAdd ptags = parse(tags[], """('[' LD:context ']')?((LD:tag (!<<'\\' ':') LD:value)|LD:tag)""")
| fieldsAdd ptags = record(context=ptags[][context], tag=replaceString(ptags[][tag],"\\:",":"), 
  value=replaceString(ptags[][value],"\\:",":"), orig=tags[] )

| filter iAny(ptags[][tag]=="dt.cost.costcenter" and ptags[][value]=="business-intelligence/BI") 

| fieldsAdd  pm=ceil(toDouble(physicalMemory)/1000000000)
| summarize d=collectArray(record(AppName=arrayFirst(iCollectArray(if(ptags[][tag]=="dt.cost.costcenter",ptags[])))[value] ,, pm))
| fields a = record(value = d[], index = iIndex())
| expand a
| fields index = a[index], AppName=a[value][AppName],[value][], pm=a[value][pm]

and my result of a query looks like this:


If you have similar query for a different MZ comparing result sets is possible of, but what is the desired criteria of comparison? And what is the role of the index in it?


I am able to compare the memories of each hosts from different mz ( same app running in model and prod and we would like to compare the memory/cpu configuration in both the environment). I am looking to create a timeseries so I can configure the alert in davis AI anomaly detector and the concerned team will be notified when there is a mismatch found.

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