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Create a click-through using hexagonal visualization


I'm trying to use a hexagonal visualizations and want this to also enable a click-through experience to the underlying entity id.  Ideally each "hex" will represent the entity SLO state (RAG status) and allow a click through directly to the underlying service to initiate diagnostics.


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Hey @ronmacdonald 

Using DQL you can query entities and then lookup relevant timeseries. When done to create a honeycomb, you can select any of the honeycomb tiles, mouse over the record and then select "Open record with" as shown below.


When you then select "Open record with" it will give you an option to open with relevant apps. In my example I am querying synthetic tests so when I click through it gives me options to view the synthetic in a few different views.


Hope this helps!

When I do a simple query for services, I cannot link to the services app.  It seems to work for other "apps" but not services.



It looks like you've selected the "Open with" for the whole DQL tile as those app options tend to show up when doing "Open with" on DQL queries. I have tested it in another environment with a service specific query and it seems to be working. The example query I used is:

fetch dt.entity.service
| lookup [
  timeseries avg(dt.service.request.failure_count), by:{dt.entity.service}
  ], sourceField:id, lookupField:dt.entity.service

As seen in the screenshot below, if I click on a hexagon you can then hover over the name of the service bringing up a context menu for that specific record. At the bottom of that there is "Open record with". Don't use the menu at the top of the whole DQL tile as that will give you options for the DQL query within the tile and not the record.


Additionally you can include URLs in the fields returned and that will allow you to click directly through to the URL as seen below. In my example the URL was added statically but you can also dynamically add them using values provided in the query so that each one is different. Just another idea for clickthrough possibilities.




I swear that was not working for me last week.  It is what I was trying to do.... though you are correct in my last test I used the title link to open vs clicking on the hex.

Thank you!


Hi. I created a hex dashboard but the data is custom metrics.  When I go to the "Open Record With", Dynatrace takes me to the Dynatrace Hub but cannot find any "App" to use.

Is there any way to link my custom metric data to an existing Dynatrace HUB app?  If not, how can i launch maybe another in context dashboard?

Hey @Stephen1_Lee, the open with feature allows Dynatrace to carry context between apps. This works with the service metrics because services are a standard entity type in Dynatrace that is supported by many apps. With custom metrics, depending on how they're implemented it can't carry any context over to another app because it might not be attached to an entity that any other app would recognize.

If what you're looking to do is be able to click on the hex and open another dashboard pre-filtered you can use the trick I mentioned above where you include a URL in the fields. You can then dynamically change the URL of the dashboard per record to include the unique filter.

If that is not what you're looking to do, could you provide some more information about the custom metric and what you want open with to do?

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