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Creating multiple dashboards for multiple management zones


Can we create multiple dashboards if we have multiple managed zones? Let me know if you have any info on this


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

Can you be a bit more specific with this question? maybe share your use case? You can create as many dashboards as you'd like and you can link those dashboards to a Management Zone as well.

To link a Dashboard to a MZ, open the dashboard that you want to set a management zone to, then click Edit:

And Click Settings, and scroll down to the Management Zone Toggle and select the Management Zone you want to have applied:

Keep in mind, Users can override this if need be by selecting the Funnel Icon and selecting a different MZ.


Frequent Guest

Quick question - I need to include specific MZs in the single dashboard tile instead 'ALL'. Is that possible?

Hi @Sajikumar,

Yes, you can use an MZ filter in a single dashboard tile (in managed / saas dashboard classic).

I hope it helps.

Best regards,


Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional

This might be a moot point, it seems like MZ filtering is not available in Dashboards and only available in Dashboards Classic. Just to confirm. 
And as a follow up, will Dashboards be getting this feature or is it gone for good. 
I have not been able to find a way to filter either the dashboard or a tile in it for the new/current Dashboard app.

Thank you

Frequent Guest

Thank you. My question is

In the management zone Filter, I can use one MZ or ALL.

Is it possible to use Multiple MZ, say APP1/APP2/APP3 MZs instead of 'ALL'. 

Also, in the data Explorer, is there any option to use it?

Hi @Sajikumar,

You can use ALL or only one MZ, you can not use multiple MZs.

In data explorer you can use mz filter also, check this post with @Julius_Loman  solution.

Solved: Can you query by management zone in Data Explorer? - Dynatrace Community

I hope it helps.

Best regards,


Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional

For the sack of showing number of MZs data together we created aggregated MZ that covers all the MZs.



dynatrace certificated professional - dynatrace master partner - Matrix Soft Ware Division - Israel

Similarly, we have tiered MZs, like for all hosts/processes belonging to particular product-tier. Then we have separate aggregate MZs for all hosts/processes belonging to particular products across all their tiers. 

Frequent Guest

Thank you for your swift response.

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