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Downloading new Dashboards with Monaco


I'm trying to download all my hand build configurations from Dynatrace with Monaco, but new Dashboards seem to be excluded from the pack. I can manually click on the Download button in the UI but this is not sustainable for CI.


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


You can see here all APIs supported in Monaco.

I think that API is not supported today. If that is the case, it can be a interesting product idea.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

Frequent Guest

I might be wrong, but when I tested Monaco with the download flag, it only fetched the dashboards that were created via Monaco. To include your existing dashboards, you can export them and then re-upload them via Monaco. After doing this, using the download flag will display all your custom/created dashboards.

I think it works in the same logic as Terraform when the host was provisioned manually and you need to import it.


I definitely can download all my dashboards (classic) with Monaco even when I have build them in browser.

This is not the case with Dashboards v2 or Notebooks, which are newer + might still be WIP.


Are you talking about new Dashboards or Classic Dashboards?

I can download all classic dashboards without problem.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl


Hmm, that's odd. I tried it, and only the present dashboards were downloaded automatically. I will double-check with the classic one. Seems like I missing something.. 
Thanks for the feedback 

@mouru The new dashboards and notebooks can only be downladed and uploaded with recent Monaco versions and it's still hidden under a feature flag (monaco >=2.14) - MONACO_FEAT_DOCUMENTS. 

Also don't forget to create an OAuth client for that and also include policies for the document service which are not yet in the docs.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

Please note that new/Dynatrace Platform Dashboards and Notebooks are not yet supported by Monaco.

While it is true that you can activate support for them already via a feature flag, flags are generally used in Monaco to aid development, internal feedback, and incremental releases - and not meant to be modified. Thus they are also not documented.

Support for new Dashboards and Documents will be part of the upcoming 2.15.0 release. Within the next few days, documentation will describe how to configure them, with the release following soon after.


While you can turn the feature on via the flag as described, please note that:
* configuration might still change, and any new dashboard downloaded with a current release of Monaco may not be compatible with the 2.15.0 release.
* Dynatrace Support won't be able to help you with any issues if you're using unreleased features/change feature flags from default. (With the exception of a handful of flags you can find described in the documentation.)

Team Monaco

Dynatrace | Monaco, Configuration as Code

Hi @nico_riedmann , can you point me to the documentation of the notebooks/documents? I don't see the place where I can define the dashboard sharing options...

Dynatrace Certified Professional | Dynatrace partner IctCoreBiz B.V.

Dynatrace Participant
Dynatrace Participant

Hi @SjoerdB, sharing settings of private 3rd gen documents are currently not supported.
Currently, you can only define public documents (shared with all logged-in users) or private ones and apply share settings manually.

Dynatrace | Monaco, Configuration as Code

I assume (but will test), that public means that they are in a "read-only" for public and read-write for the oauth user which is used for the MoNaCo interaction?

Does this automatically imply it is best practice to only have 1 oauth user for MoNaCo, because otherwise the document would get deployed by various individuals and right management would be hard...

Dynatrace Certified Professional | Dynatrace partner IctCoreBiz B.V.

Dynatrace Participant
Dynatrace Participant

Correct - 'public' relates to 'Access for all' as described in the documentation for sharing documents , meaning "read-only" for public, "read-write" for owner.

You certainly do not want more than one set of credentials to manage the same configuration. As you already mentioned, two users managing the same document will require you to set up manual sharing settings, allowing the user who's not the document's owner to edit it.

In general, I'd say it's best practice to have 1 set of credentials (oAuth client, API token, ..) per logical grouping of configuration.
That might be one for all your config-as-code usage, one per department grouping several Monaco projects, one per team, etc. - this all depends a bit on the number of configurations, how Dynatrace usage is structured/managed, and what fits your Dynatrace access permission concept (in general you won't want to have one set of 'master admin credentials' which everyone can access but use granular permissions and policies, but if all config-as-code is managed in one repository and rolled out automatically having one such admin token for this might fit)

Hope that helps!

Dynatrace | Monaco, Configuration as Code

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