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monitor windows services availability


Hi everyone, I want to know if it's possible to put on a dashboard the availability of my windows services?

this kind of windows services (just an example):

cause I already configured the Windows services availability monitoring and when the availability of my service is down I can see an alert and that's great but I would like to see the availability on a chart or on a dashboard or anywhere in the Dynatrace UI, cause I can only see it when the alert pops up like this

and I would like to see the availability of my services thourhg the time.

Thanks for your support!!


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

So Dynatrace does not have a tile that will allow you to list the Technologies/Processes. You can however use a markdown tile to provide a quick link to the technologies page where you will see issues in red.


Hi @agdiazm

apparently now you have the possibility to show the timeseries metric that you were looking for.

In a custom chart you can look for: OS Service availability


Let me know if you have found it too!

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