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App Developer Certification Exam


Hi all, Tomorrow I am going to take the exam for "App Developer certification". Did anyone attend this exam? What is the complexity of the project that requires to develop in two hours? Can you provide me with some examples? Is it true that you can use the documentation for the whole exam? (part1 and part2).

Thanks so much for the support 😉


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Hi @andreaCaria 


Yes it is true that you can use the documentation ( for the whole exam. This was just recently


Regarding the complexity of the project. I would say it has a similar complexity as the tutorial here:

Also if you are able to finish the tutorial without revealing the solution, you should be well enough prepared for the exam.



Hi Andrea!

Can you say a few words how hard it was :)?

"The lions does not ally with the coyotes"

Hi Pawel, the exam, in general, was easy, there were some tricky multiple-choice questions but if you have read the documentation you can guess the answer... For what concerns the complexity of the project it was a little bit harder than the examples provided and if you get stuck developing some points you lose precious time. Of course, you can check the guide where you can find all the useful react components.
The negative aspect of the exam, in my opinion, was the misleading instruction about the tool that you can use and when you can use it. When I started developing the code I asked my examiner if I could open Visual Studio code and the cmd for building my app and she told me that I couldn't.. So I lost a few minutes in the middle of the exam trying to convince her that it was necessary to open it.

Hi @andreaCaria ,

Thanks for your feedback and sorry for the inconvenience you experienced during the exam. I will look into this and make sure the use of IDEs/ code editors will be allowed

the same thing happened with me during the professional exam in the 1st time and also in the renewal to debate with the proctor to use RDP and use synthetic recorder.

Certified Dynatrace Professional | Certified Dynatrace Services - Observability | Certified Dynatrace Services - App Developer
Dynatrace Partner

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

My few tips :

  • QCM is quite easy (for me 😁) :
  • Practice is more complex (for me 😁) :
    • Practice initializing your environment for a new application.
    • Learn how to manually upgrade Dynatrace components dependencies. In my case, I had components that wouldn't install and blocked my build.
    • How to correlate two distinct data sources (e.g. DQL result + External Data query response) within the same table.
Observability Engineer at Phenisys - Dynatrace Professional

kindly check this post I've wrote outlining App Developer Certificate Road-Map

Mostafa Hussein.

Certified Dynatrace Professional | Certified Dynatrace Services - Observability | Certified Dynatrace Services - App Developer
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