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Retrieving name of current user in JavaScript (Notebook, Dashboard)

Dynatrace Guru
Dynatrace Guru


I am trying to get the username of the user that executes some JavaScript in either a notebook or dashboard. I assume that functionality exists in one of the SDKs but I couldnt find anything

Any help is appreciated. 

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Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

Hi @andreas_grabner,

There is currently no SDK available to get the user info, but you can directly call a platform API with the following snippet:

export default async function() {
const response = await fetch("/platform/metadata/v1/user");
const json = await response.json();
return json.userName;

An SDK should be available in the near future.


FYI - the returned user object has three properties in case anyone is interested: userName, userId, emailAddress

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DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

@stefan_eggersto I would guess it is but to make sure - would the same also apply to indetify the current user running an application?

and @andreas_grabner thanks for asking this just a few hours before I stumbled upon this issue 🙂

Yes, you can use the same call to identify the app user.

Hello, @stefan_eggersto ! 

I'm developing a custom APP, and when I call the API via App Function, I get Error: Authentication required. How can I implicitly authenticate?

Here's my snippet;

export default async function() {
  return fetch("https://{environmentid}")
  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((data)=> {return data})
  .catch((error) => console.log(error));
Fullstack developer | Tech Lover

Hi @MaximilianoML 

This is expected when you use an absolute URL. If you would use a relative URL, you should be fine




Hi @sinisa_zubic ,

This works fine as long as the application is running locally. I get a 401 once I deploy it to the platform.
{\"error\":{\"code\":401,\"message\":\"Unsupported authorization scheme 'Api-Token'. Dynatrace platform APIs require the authorization scheme 'Bearer'.\",\"details\":{\"traceId\":\"3c2803d28b272248ba1b9916ab137948\"}}}"

my request:

 const url = "/platform/metadata/v1/user";

const res = await fetch(url, {

    headers: {

      Authorization: `Api-Token ${tokenCredentials["token"]}`,



Any SDK available for this?

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