10 Jan 2023 09:08 PM
I have a REST service.
It gets requests like:
POST /users
GET /users
The GET returns a bunch of users, the POST creates a new user. So while the url is the same for each, the code that gets executed is very different.
I'd like to create a global web request naming rule that includes the http method in the web request name.
I think this should be possible.
In this document, it says that the placeholder attribute can be HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD (which I'm pretty sure is what I want).
But I'm having trouble crafting a payload to create a web request naming method that uses that value.
An example payload that I've tried is:
"conditions": [{
"attribute": "SERVICE_TAG",
"comparisonInfo": {
"comparison": "TAG_KEY_EQUALS",
"negate": false,
"type": "TAG",
"value": {
"context": "CONTEXTLESS",
"key": "REST Cleanup With HTTP Method"
"values": null
"enabled": true,
"order": "REST 00",
"managementZones": [],
"namingPattern": "{HTTPMethod} {URL}",
"placeholders": [
"aggregation": null,
"attribute": "HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD",
"delimiterOrRegex": null,
"endDelimiter": null,
"kind": "ORIGINAL_TEXT",
"name": "HTTPMethod",
"normalization": "ORIGINAL",
"requestAttribute": null,
"source": null,
"useFromChildCalls": false
"aggregation": null,
"attribute": "WEBREQUEST_URL_PATH",
"delimiterOrRegex": "(.*+)",
"endDelimiter": null,
"name": "URL",
"normalization": "ORIGINAL",
"requestAttribute": null,
"source": null,
"useFromChildCalls": false
(I'm actually trying for something more complicated, which is why I have that regex for the second placeholder, but I tried distilling the example down for brevity).
That request gets me a couple of errors:
"path": "placeholders[0].attribute",
"message": "Placeholders are only allowed for string based attributes",
"path": "placeholders[0].kind",
"message": "ExtractionKind `ORIGINAL_TEXT` is only allowed for downstream request attribute placeholders. No extraction needs to be specified",
I'm really not worried about that second one... worst case I could make it a regex extraction and that would solve that problem.
However, that first error is the one that I'm most worried about.
Specifically, it seems to be complaining about my attribute: HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD and saying that isn't a string based attribute.
But according to the documentation I linked above, that should be a valid attribute.
Worse case I could create a rule so that it has a condition for HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD == GET, and then hardcode "GET" in the name... and repeat that for each of the other verbs... but that sounds tedious.
Any ideas? Thank you.
Solved! Go to Solution.
27 Mar 2023 03:13 PM
I had same problem and solution is simple:
There are predefined placeholders with you can use. In this case placeholder to use:
{HTTP-Method} /sample/URL/