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Monitor API running on the host without Synthetic


Hi All,


How can we monitor custom API running on the host to GET or POST the data?

We have APIs in below format,

curl --user Admin@customer1:Admin "http://hostip:port/controller/rest/applications/Arihant-Application/metric-data?metric-path=Application%20Infrastructure%20Performance%7Cjavaapp_tomcat1%7CHardware%20Resources%7CCPU%7C%25Busy&time-range-type=BEFORE_NOW&duration-in-mins=4320 "

How can we get the response time and response code for APIs like this?

Is there any way to monitor the same please suggest us.

We want to do this without synthetic monitoring.  


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

If you don't want to use synthetic, you can install a OneAgent on the host to see the traffic on the Rest API, which will include response times and HTTP Status codes.


The Technology of the process running the API has to be supported though (Java, .NET, GO, NodeJS or PHP).


If you want to do synthetic tests, without using synthetic, you could do the CURL from a custom extension and report events or a metric to Dynatrace.

Dynatrace Certified Master - Dynatrace Partner -

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