23 Nov 2020 04:30 PM
Strange values when querying the builtin:apps.other.uaDuration.osAndVersion API metric:
I would like to read the action duration of custom applications using API-V2 from Dynatrace Managed and do not understand the values that I get back: {"dimensions": ["CUSTOM_APPLICATION-3D99AB58F3534925"], "timestamps": [1606147020000], "values": [3265197.173287671]}.
What does the value 3265197.173287671 mean?
According to the API documentation, this should be the average action duration in milliseconds.
The action duration of the application is shown correctly in the Dynatrace Managed GUI as between 1.5-2 seconds.
The API URL is: https://dynatrace.kubus-it.de/e/edc50b2a-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx/api/v2/metrics/query?api-token=xxxx&metricSelector=builtin%3Aapps.other. uaDuration.osAndVersion: merge (1,2) & entitySelector = type% 28CUSTOM_APPLICATION% 29 & resolution = INF & from = ...
Solved! Go to Solution.
30 Nov 2020 12:25 PM
the metric´s base unit is actually defined in microseconds - you can use the metric descriptor API to identify the unit (/api/v2/metrics/builtin:apps.other.uaDuration.osAndVersion)
Hope this helps.