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ActiveGate Offline (Managed)


My Cluster activeGate is offline, i've already rebooted the VM and restarted the activeGate, but still don't work

Can anyone help me?



A couple of things that come to mind:

  1. Are the AG process running
  2.  any chance of a firewall change that is blocking the connection
    • (try to curl to your cluster API from AG)
  3. SSL cert or token expired?
  4. Anything in the logs?
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1. AG process still running

2. About SSL cert or token, and connection... Dynatrace says: There is no Cluster ActiveGate installed. This setting will be disabled.


But i didn't uninstalled it, this is what i don't understand.


also, Id probably recommend fixing the cluster issue you asked about before this one.

Why do App Developers have high insurance rates? (gnihsarc peek yehT)

Ok, thanks..


Hi @Pedroka 

  1. check the minimum requirements are met or not against the installed cluster AG.
  2. If there is a load balancer between ActiveGate and the next communication endpoint that traffic should be routed through, configure seedServerUrl and ignoreClusterRuntimeInfo
  3. If a proxy is used to reach the Dynatrace Cluster or any of the monitored clouds, configure a proxy.
  4. If not configured, ask firewall team configuring AG Headers.

During validation:

  1. stop AG Service.
  2. configure the missing parameters within file.
  3. save the changes.
  4. restart AG Service.

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