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Path update JDK on Dynatrace Managed

Hello Everyone,

If I need to update path JDK of Dynatrace Managed can I do it ?

Thank you,


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Dynatrace should use build in JDK as I remember. Updates of the JDK are distributed with cluster upgrades.


Regards, Sebastian


1. Dynatrace do not distribute JDK, but JRE.

2. Dynatrace delivers everything that is needed to run the software incl. JRE.

3. Dynatrace delivers only the software that was tested and verified by rigorous quality gates. For example, if there's a new JRE update available, it is shipped as soon as possible with following Dynatrace Manage releases.

4. Dynatrace does not support any user modifications to the software or custom updates as they were not tested.

Senior Product Manager,
Dynatrace Managed expert

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