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UI traffic while Web UI traffic ​disabled?

DynaMight Pro
DynaMight Pro

Situation: a Managed environment of >5 nodes, with internal DNS ""
When on some cluster nodes the setting "Web UI traffic" is set to "​disabled", they still receive UI traffic.
Is this expected? Maybe this option only works with an automatically provisioned domain ( 

As stated in Set up a load balancer for Dynatrace Managed — Dynatrace Managed Docs
"... In the Cluster Management Console, you can exclude a node from web UI traffic. This feature affects the NGINX configuration and the automatically provisioned domain ( When you use an external load balancer, cluster nodes need to be excluded from the list of target nodes; otherwise, they will still receive network traffic"

Kind regards, Frans Stekelenburg                 Certified Dynatrace Associate |, Dynatrace Partner

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