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Veritas NetBackup Configuration


Hi All,

We have a request to monitor Backup servers with NetBackup. We did all the configuration which is supported and available to configure, but apart from those we do have few more requests from customer, that..

1. Some times backup session is going to run for more than 1 day, if job is running more than one day then we need an alert to be trigger saying job is running for long time. Can we do this ?

2. Can we get an alert if NetBackup Catalog backup is disabled?

3. Can we suppress Job monitoring for 1h or 2h accordingly once we have job failure triggered alert in place?

Could you please let me know if we have any way to accomplish this?


Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

Looks like you're looking for a custom extension.

Thanks, Don't we have/find any way to accomplish above request apart from Customization?

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